The basics of Joe Biden's plan for American healthcare

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It's no secret that the U.S. desperately needs to rethink and reform its healthcare system. Fortunately for Americans, there is already a plan in existence, according to Dr. Matthew Boente, MD. Joe Biden and his team formed this plan, and it looks to be the best healthcare plan for the country. The problem, though, is that it needs to be implemented.

Below are some key points to Joe Biden's plan for American healthcare, as shared by Dr. Matthew Boente, MD.

A more understandable system

Many of America's troubles with the present healthcare system stems from its complex nature. Often, Americans fail to understand the options and conditions, and much of the coverage because of all the details that are even contradictory. Details on premium tax cuts and credits all get lost in the translation.

According to Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, Biden's plan cuts through all that and simplifies the entire system so that Americans can make informed decisions at the soonest time possible.

A more affordable health insurance

Arguably, the biggest problem facing Americans today is just how expensive anything related to healthcare has become. From medication to emergency services to appointments, everything has simply become too much for the ordinary household budget to handle.

Joe Biden's plan seeks to improve on the Affordable Care Act, which allows a vast majority of Americans to afford healthcare, Dr. Matthew Boente, MD adds.

Through the years, Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, has received numerous awards for his work and contribution to the medical field. Dr. Boente was among the recipients of the Top Doctor Award given by Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine and Minnesota Monthly's Best Doctors for Women. In 2012, he received the National Cancer Institute Gold Certificate of Excellence Award. For more updates on Dr. Boente, follow this Twitter page.