Road map to Joe Biden's healthcare policy

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The road to Joseph Biden's presidency is a road similarly taken by his healthcare policy - one of his campaign's major highlights. This is the opinion shared by medical experts who followed Biden's journey to the White House, such as Dr. Matthew Boente, MD. But how did they arrive at this opinion? Let's find out in this article.

It has become a one-on-one affair between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden during the Democratic nomination for President. Both were proposing their own healthcare plans that would be more acceptable to the American people. For Sanders, it was Medicare for All, but for Biden, it was a variant of what was then mtouted as the public option approach.

In March 2020, public opinion was divided with the two healthcare proposals.

Sanders claimed in an interview that "60 or 70% of the American people believe in a Medicare-for-All, single-payer program." Citing a Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll, however, Medicare for All was only getting 56% of public support in January 2020, while Biden's public option is at 68%, also in the same month.

President Biden's healthcare policy's main essence is to build on Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act with a government-run public insurance option. Part of this policy is to expand Medicaid and to protect patients with preexisting conditions. This will also empower Medicare to lower medicine prices, open the market of prescription drugs from outside, and extend tax credits to help Americans afford their own health insurance.

With many years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, holds memberships and offices in professional societies. He was trained as the Galloway Fellowship at the Department of Surgery, Gynecology Division at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York and later the American Cancer Society Fellow in Gynecologic Oncology at the Duke University Medical Center and has shared his expertise as an academician and consultant. For more information about Dr. Matthew Boente, MD, you may visit this page.