VCST 4390:

Required Materials


There is no required textbook for this class!

There are several required readings and videos. All links are located in the associated modules on Blackboard.

If you really want a textbook (completely optional), I recommend Family Violence

Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives By Harvey Wallace, Cliff Roberson, Julie L. Globokar


Students will need an active Sam Houston account to access the course website through Blackboard. This site will have announcements, assignment memos, and other course materials. Students will need reliable internet access in order to participate in this class and receive a passing grade. Online Attendance Students enrolled in distance education courses at Sam Houston State University are expected to maintain ongoing course engagement in order to uphold positive academic standing with the University. In an online environment, "attendance" is more than just logging into a course, or the Learning Management System (LMS). Online attendance is measured by your academic engagement with the course content, course tools, course instructor, and with other students in the course.

For more information on how to use course tools, please visit the Navigating the Course page.