
To help refluxers sleep on their left rather than their right, a Dutch company, "Side Sleep Technologies" has developed "The Left".

It is available as a free downloadable app for an Apple Watch or as a seperate device.

From the company's website:

The Left App

The left tracks your sleeping body position on your watch and without waking you up, provides you with a gentle vibration once it detects that you are sleeping on the right side. The vibration stimulates you to sleep on your left side more often and longer throughout the night. Your body will be conditioned not to sleep on your right side within a week.

The Left Device

The Left Device is a sleep position training device that trains you to sleep on your left side as often as possible. It tracks your body position while you sleep , then provides a gentle vibration signal once it detects that you are sleeping on your right side. 

The clip below shows how The Left Device is used.

A study "The effect of sleep positional therapy on nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux measured by esophageal pH-impedance monitoring" published in Neurogastroenterology & Motility in May 2023, concluded "Sleep positional therapy using an electronic wearable device promotes sleeping in the left lateral decubitus position and improves reflux parameters measured by pH-impedance reflux monitoring."

(This investigator-initiated study was funded by Side Sleep Technologies B.V. (SST). SST had no role in the design of this study nor did it have a role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or the submitted results.)

Page updated 25 August 2023