
Self Diagnosis.

You may be aware of reflux or regurgitation or of the acid burn we refer to as heartburn and this encyclopaedia may make you aware of other possible symptoms you may not have previously considered pertinent. (N.B. Not everyone with acid reflux experiences heartburn.)

It is claimed you can test your stomach acidity by ingesting baking soda and determining how long it is before you belch. Whereas the science behind this has some credibility (baking soda + stomach acid = carbon dioxide = burp), there are so many variables as to make results calculated this way too unreliable for accurate diagnosis.

Other tests of acidity of saliva, urine or blood have no correlation to the acidity of the stomach.

The February 2015 NHS Be Clear On Cancer eosophago-gastric cancers campaign claimed persistent heartburn could be a sign of cancer and to "Tell your doctor"Action Against Heartburn says, consult your GP if you have any of these symptoms:

Clinical Diagnoses.

There are many tests and diagnostic investigations now available or in development.

This site has looks at 

Endoscopy, Cytosponge, EsophaCap, EsoCheck, Wats3D, Spit Test, Breath Test, Peptest, 24 hr pH manometry, Bravo 48 hour monitoring, Barium swallow, Barium meal, Heidelberg Test, EndoFLIP

Page updated 4 February 2023