Alternative Medicines
Although the treatments linked here may call themselves Medicines, they're not. Medicines have to undergo extensive trialling to acquire approval of the FDA or MHRA etc.
So Called Alternative Medicine may be a SCAM.
Minchin's Law says:
"By definition, Alternative Medicine" has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work.
You know what they call "alternative medicine" that’s been proved to work? Medicine."
Types of Alternative remedies. Links open in new pages.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Allopathic This isn't actually an alternative medicine. The term “allopathic medicine” was invented by homeopaths in the 19th century as a disparaging term for [real] medicine.
From Edzard Ernst. See
Edzard Ernst is a retired British-German academic physician and researcher specializing in the study of complementary and alternative medicine. He was Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter, the world's first such academic position in complementary and alternative medicine. (Wikipedia)
Advocates of so-called alternative medicine (SCAM) almost uniformly stress the importance of prevention and pride themselves to make much use of SCAM for the purpose of prevention. SCAM, they often claim, is effective for prevention, while conventional medicine tends to neglect it. Therefore, it seems timely to ponder a bit about the subject.
It makes sense to differentiate three types of prevention:
Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs.
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occurred.
Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has lasting effects.
Here I will includes all three and I will ask what SCAM has to offer in any form of prevention. I will do this by looking at what we have previously discussed on this blog in relation to several specific SCAM and add in each case a very brief evaluation of the evidence.
Acupuncture for the prevention of headache? How to fool (almost) everyone with an RCT – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Acupuncture for chronic migraine prevention? Two new systematic reviews yield encouraging evidence – ENCOURAGING EVIDENCE
Chiropractic manipulation and primary prevention. It’s time that chiropractors stop misleading the public in order to fill their pockets – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
‘Maintenance care’ is very good for chiropractic economics … but not for anything else! – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
No evidence that spinal manipulation improves immune function – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Chiropractic maintenance care: boosting chiropractic cash flow in perpetuity – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Birth-trauma: a diagnosis that richly fills the pockets of many chiropractors – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
If you don’t want to get the flu…consult your chiropractor urgently! – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Herbal medicine
Prevention of acute radiation-induced proctitis with Aloe vera – ENCOURAGING EVIDENCE
Can Chinese Medicine Be Used for Prevention of Corona Virus Disease? – NO CONVINVING EVIDENCE
Effectiveness of Homeopathic Arsenicum album 30C in the Prevention of COVID-19 – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Disturbing news on the recent trial of homeopathy for COVID prevention – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
A new study of homeopathy for the prevention of COVID-19 infections – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Is this the crown of the Corona-idiocy? Nosodes In Prevention And Management Of COVID -19 – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Homeopathic Prevention and Management of Epidemic Diseases – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Influenzinum: the homeopathic flu prevention that does not prevent flu – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Homeopathy for preventing and treating acute respiratory tract infections in children – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
A new trial of homeopathy for preventing COVID-19 infections – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Oscillococcinum, the homeopathic solution to the coronavirus threat? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
An RCT suggests that homeopathy can prevent epidemics!!! But how reliable is this evidence? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
HOMEOPATHS LOVE IT: the epidemiological evidence suggesting that homeopathy works – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Understanding homeoprophylaxis: it is dangerous nonsense!!! – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
“Homeoprophylaxis, the homeopathic vaccine alternative, prevents disease through nosodes.” NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Boiron’s new study of homeopathy NO GOOD EVIDENCE
Mind-body therapies
Meditation for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Transcendental meditation (TM) for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Does Osteopathy Prevent Motion Sickness? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Zinc for the prevention or treatment of acute viral respiratory tract infections in adults? A new systematic review – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Vitamin D for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19? NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Do Vitamin, Mineral, and Multivitamin Supplements Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Does vitamin D supplementation lower the risk of cancer and precancers? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Glucosamine is associated with decreased risk of lung cancer – ENCOURAGING EVIDENCE
Yoga for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: more than wishful thinking? – NO CONVINCING EVIDENCE
Who says it’s all negative? The addition of yoga to aerobic exercise programs reduces global cardiovascular risk – ENCOURAGING EVIDENCE
I hope you agree: this list is impressive!
Impressive in the way of showing how often we have discussed SCAM for prevention in one form or another.
Impressive also to see how little positive evidence there is for effective prevention with SCAM
Of course, this is merely based on posts that were published on my blog. Some will argue that I missed out on some effective SCAMs for prevention. Others might claim that I judged some of the the above cited articles too harshly. If you share such sentiments, I invite you to show me the evidence – and I promise to look at it and evaluate it critically.
Meanwhile, I will draw the following conclusion:
Despite the prominent place prevention assumes in discussions about SCAM, the actual evidence fails to show that it has an important role to play in primary, secondary or tertiary prevention.
Page updated 2 October 2024