Teaching Students Right From Wrong in the Digital Age

Studies show that misconceptions abound about the appropriate use of technologies. This presentation examines basic ethical issues, some ethical codes, actual case studies when students have had to make ethical decisions, and techniques teachers can use to promote ethical behaviors in the classroom.

22 page handout here

Policies 2.0 handout

Parenting in the Digital Age handout 2017


Developing an Ethical Compass for Worlds of Learning (Identtified by MERLOT as a distinguished, high-quality source of learning material), MultiMedia Schools, Nov/Dec 1998

Learning Right from Wrong in the Digital Age: An Ethics Guide for Parents, Teachers, Librarians, and Others Who Care about Computer-Using Young People (Awarded a 2003 “outstanding achievement in parenting materials” from Parent’s Guide to Children’s Media Inc.Linworth Publishing, 2003 <www.linworth.com>

Rules for the Social Web Threshold, Summer 2007

Ethics resources online

Student guide to cyberbulling

Cyberbullying - Talent Show PSA by Ad Council

See also materials for these workshops:

Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web

To Friend or Not to Friend: A Teacher's Guide to Social and Educational Networking

Written comments about this workshop:

  • It clarified issues I deal with everyday. Very important topic.
  • He’s terrific - get him again.
  • Very helpful in talking to students.
  • Organized process for explaining ethical behavior to faculty and students.
  • Great surveys (in the handouts)
  • Has an important place in my curriculum.
  • Liked the humor and discussion.
  • Very realistic examples -helpful.
  • Extremely thoughtful and very timely.
  • Good food for thought, thought that can be developed into action.