Libraries in the Cloud Workshop

The session discusses the implication of hosted computer applications and resources on school library programs and the role of the school librarian.

A skill level self-assessment

GoSoapBox page for this workshop

Our Team - group editing

PPT slides

I. What is "cloud computing" and what are its advantages? What are some common examples of cloud computing in today's schools and libraries? 7 cloud-based tools that can make every educator more productive.

7 Cloud-based apps for everyone:

  1. E-mail, calendar, contacts: Gmail, Yahoo!, Zoho and web-based versions of desktop programs like Outlook
  2. File storage Dropbox, Evernote, Skydrive, SugarSync or GoogleDrive (Very cool - DropitTOme and CloudOn)
  3. Productivity tools: GoogleDocs, Zoho, Office 365
  4. Wikis: Wikispaces, PBWorks,
  5. Multimedia sharing: Slideshare, Sliderocket, Prezi, YouTube personal channel (see bottom of this page), Vimeo, LiveBinders
  6. Photosharing: Flickr, Shutterfly, Smugmug
  7. Meeting scheduling: Doodle

II. Cloud-based library applications. 7 ways libraries are using the cloud today.

  1. Hosted library catalogs
  2. Social book sites (Shelfari,LibraryThing, GoodReads, BiblioNasium, Follett Quest)
  3. E-books online (Mackin Via,FollettShelf, Project Gutenberg, International Children's Digital Library and lots of commercial vendors including OneMoreStory, PebbleBooks, TumbleBooks
  4. Online calendars and schedules
  5. Facebook fan pages (example) Carl Harvey's Facebook page for parents:
  6. Wikis
  7. CMS (Moodle)

Sara Kelly Johns' library pathfinder on the library home page:

III. GoogleApps for Education and libraries. 7 ways librarians are maximizing its use.

  1. E-mail and groups
  2. Custom calendars that can be embedded
  3. Collaborative writing tools
  4. Forms (Request a book)
  5. Google video and video tutorials - Your personal YouTube channel
  6. GoogleApps as part of IT/IL curriculum
  7. Templates (ISD77's Student Portfolio template)

IV. The role of the librarian in a district-wide implementation of GoogleApps for Education. 7 things librarians have done in the Mankato Schools to help assure a successful roll out of Apps for all staff and students.

  1. Staff development guru
  2. Onsite support for students and staff
  3. Supporting flipped classrooms, online learning, blended classrooms and hybrid classrooms
  4. Gathering primary source data
  5. Communication
  6. Collaborative planning
  7. Policy input - Strategies for getting these sites unblocked in a school with a totalitarian tech department

V. Transparency: What it is and how it can be enhanced with the cloud. 7 ways to become a more transparent library.

  1. Put your schedule online
  2. Put your budget online
  3. Put your newsletter online
  4. Put your goals and objectives online
  5. Put your policies, rules and guidelines online
  6. Put your advisory committee minutes online
  7. Put surveys and polls online

VI. Closing, review and Q&A


"School Libraries and Cloud Computing: Roles and Possibilities" LMC, May/June 2011

Computing in the CloudsLeading & Learning, Dec/Jan 2009/10.

7 Opportunities: GoogleApps and School Librarians, Blue Skunk Blog, August 17, 2010

Letters to parents, teachers, and students about GoogleApps for Education.

Transparency and Trust, LMC June 2012

See also the materials for "A Cloudy Outlook for Education"

100+ Registration Free Tools for Students

35 Powerful Cloud Tools for Modern Librarians

Corrado, Edward M. and Heather Lea Moulaison The Library Cloud Pros and Cons Library Journal Digital Shift

Loertscher, David Book2Cloud project

Miller, Nancy A.S. Course: Google Docs and Other Apps for School Library Programs: Create and Collaboration

Schwander. Mary. Google in the Library.

GoogleApps Security and Privacy FAQ

Henry Thiele answers some questions about FERPA and HIPPA and GoogleApps for Education, April 2012

US DoE's Privacy Technical Assistance Center, Frequently Asked Questions - Cloud Computing