Dangers and Opportunities: Challenges for Libraries in the Digital Age

Many of our library “crises,” whether institutional or personal, can be tied directly to the information technology changes that have occurred in the past 20 years - changes that continue and are accelerating. Three factors that are creating a dangerous perfect storm of societal changes that will impact libraries. Only by actively addressing the challenges each of these dangers pose, will libraries survive and thrive. Seven opportunities libraries and librarians are taking advantage of to remain relevant in the digital age concludes the presentation.

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Are Libraries (and Librarians) Heading Toward Extinction? Teacher-Librarian

Dangers and Opportunities: Challenges for Libraries in the Digital Age Minnesota Media

Managing Digital Resources, LMC

Things that keep us up at night (with Joyce Valenza) School Library Journal

Letter from the Flat World Library Corporation, LMC

Turning the Page (E-books and their impact on libraries) School Library Journal

Skills for the Knowledge Worker Teacher-Librarian

Nation Shudders at Large Block of Uninterrupted Text, The Onion

School librarian numbers decline. Library Journal, Jul 30, 2012

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