Responsive Classroom: Simple Tools for Gathering Digital Feedback

In this hands-on workshop, we will experience using and creating technology-enabled interactive experiences in the classroom. Using online tools like Poll Everywhere, Padlet, TodaysMeet, GoSoapBox, and GoogleDocs, participants will design activities that make the most of a classroom in which every student has a device.

One of the key elements of engagement is activity rather than passivity. Student devices when used well can make the classroom more interactive. Among the pedagogical uses we will discuss are feedback, assessment and discussion that encourage the participation of all students - including the shy ones!

Each of these tools (as of December 2014) will be demonstrated and then participants will be given a chance to build an activity using each tool. Unless otherwise noted, tool are free and do not require a student account or e-mail address. Participants will discuss classroom management strategies and rules in using these devices.

PowerPoint Slides

TodaysMeet (website)

Very simple tool to set up and use. Limited functionality. Students can post anonymously - rules needed!

Padlet (website) (was Wallwisher)

Was Wallwisher. Simple to set up and use. Students can post anonymously - rules needed!

Poll Everywhere (website)

Poll responses can be via webpage or by text messaging. Good polling options and results in real time. Number of respondents limited in free version.

Surveying in GoogleDocs

Easily the most versatile and useful tools on this list.

GoSoapBox (website)








Socrative ( Join room 0077)


See also,

Richard Byrne's 5 Benefits of Using Backchannels in Your Classroom

Nathan Hall Webtools: No Registration Required

Doug Johnson The Responsive Staff Meeting