Cloudy Forecast for Education: Cloud-based Computing in K-12

Discover how teachers and students can benefit by moving to the cloud - when staff and student applications become hosted. The session discusses the implication of hosted computer applications and resources on school budgets, staffing and new possibilities.

Powerpoint slides in Dropbox

Teachers in the Cloud GoSoapBox

DeBono collaborative document

1. Introduction What is "cloud computing" and what are its advantages? What are some common examples of cloud computing in today's schools and libraries?

2. Cloud-based school applications

3. How teachers and administrators can use GoogleApps for Education

4. The impact on the technology budget and tech staffing of cloud computing.

5. What are the major concerns about cloud-computing and are they justified?

6. Discussion and ideas


Computing in the CloudsLeading & Learning, Dec/Jan 2009/10.

"Where are the savings in using GoogleApps?" Blue Skunk Blog, February 5, 2010

"The Changing Role of Tech Support" Blue Skunk Blog, March 14, 2010

"The Changing Role of the Technology Director" Educational Leadership, April 2013

"Boiling frogs, GoogleApps and School Change," Blue Skunk Blog, Sept 26, 2011.

Letters to parents, teachers, and students about GoogleApps for Education.

See also resources for Libraries in the Cloud workshop

GoogleApps Security and Privacy FAQ

Henry Thiele answers some questions about FERPA and HIPPA and GoogleApps for Education, April 2012

(Henry's slideshow here.)
