
As a civilization, Dureena Nafeel’s race has been effectively wiped off the galactic map. Hailing from the now pirate Slave Planet of Zander Prime, the galaxy’s remaining Zanderian population are nearly all slaves to one faction or another, sold or stolen from the impoverished homeworld. Scattered and without any unity beyond whatever extended family groups may be with them, this race may well not last long and its cultural identity is already flagging. Only in small colonies, such as the one on Ceti Gamma II, can this refugee race hope to kindle a new hope for the future.


Zanderians come in one of two stripes. Either they are galactic drifters, living by their wits and whatever they can latch onto and make their own, or they are displaced populations, usually slaves, usually with little clear knowledge of the world they come from. Those of the first camp tend to be cynical and pessimistic, unwilling to trust anyone, while those of the second tend to be almost primitive, still indulging in ancient rituals practices for foretelling the future.

Physical Description:

Zanderians are humanoid and, indeed, have a very Human appearance. Their skin tends to be slightly mottled, and their race displays a male and female dimorphism roughly equivalent to that of Humans. The eyes of a Zanderian are striking, usually brightly coloured amber or yellow, and seem more like the eyes of a cat.

Zanderian Beliefs:

Like the Zanderians themselves, Zanderian beliefs tend to come in one of two stripes. Those who wander the galaxy usually eschew any particular religious or spiritual belief, too consumed with daily survival and bitterness over what has become of their race to put much stock in cast stones and mumbled words.

The more provincial Zanderians still hew to truly ancient spiritual practices, guiding their lives through the reading of runes and the utilisation of sympathetic magic.


Zanderians speak Zanderian and only Zanderian. It is a somewhat clumsy language, not well suited to incorporate new ideas and new words, but it

serves the average Zanderian well enough. If a Zanderian wishes to speak any other language, even Common(English), invest skillpoints in Linguistics.

Starfarers: The Zanderians were never a stellar power, and the vast majority of the race never left their planet. Those who did commonly left as slaves.

Names: Zanderian names include both a surname and a given name, and tend to consist of multiple vowel repetitions, particularly of the letter ‘e’.

The given name always comes first in Zanderian arrangement.

Wound die type 1d10 Chakra modifier +1

Darkvision 120 Feet

+2 Dexterity,

+2 Constitution,

–2 Wisdom

Zanderians are hardy and have good resistance to common ailments (making them ideal slaves). However, their culture relies on arcane practices such as the casting of stones to make decisions, which is often compounded by their slave status, as they rarely need to make decisions for themselves.

All Zanderians are of Medium size.

Zanderians have a base speed of 30 feet.

Feat Slot -> Meta magic/Meta Psionic only.


Zanderians gain 4 free ranks at 1st level to spend as they decide on the following skills: Profession (any), Stealth and Slight of hand.

They gain 1 additional skillpoint per level after, that has no spending requirement.

Scaling Reflex save bonus

+1 Reflex.

This Reflex Boon Scales, and is increased by +1 every 10 levels

Automatic Languages: Zanderian.

Zanderians do not start with Common English as an automatic language.

DM-RP: 15

Augmented Reflex (scaling) 4 RP

Feat slot (restricted - 2 RP

Skilled (4 RP)

Darkvision II: 120 Feet 3 RP

Attributes: Slightly Spiritual +1 RP

Ability Scores: Specialized +1 RP