
A droid can't perform any functions without its processor (also known as a droid brain). which contains all the basic information the droid needs to move its appendages, travel from place to place, behave in a certain way, and so on.

A droid's Intelligence score reflects the quality of its processor. Low-intelligence droids tend to specialize in single tasks that require no deductive capability. High-intelligence droids are considerably more versatile-and more expensive.

Backup Processor

A droid with a remote receiver can also have a backup processor that allows the droid to function even if it loses contact with its remote processor.

The droid will continue executing its last received orders until contact is reestablished.

Basic Processor:

Basic processors are not designed for creative thought and problem solving, and as such most droids interpret instructions and behavioral inhibitions very literally. Furthermore, basic processors are very limited in that the droid cannot perform any task for which it was not programmed.

For example, a droid that is not trained in the Bluff skill cannot lie or otherwise convey false or unknown information. A droid with a basic processor cannot use any skill untrained except for Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, and Perception. Similarly, a basic processor does not allow a droid to use any weapon with which it is not proficient, and a droid's behavioral inhibitors may prevent it from harming sentient living beings altogether.

Every droid comes with a basic processor, at the very least.

Droid Remote Control

An advanced version of the restraining bolt system. the droid remote control allows the owner to use a droid cal er to move the droid using its own locomotion system.

The droid cannot be compelled to use any of its other systems or possessions. It simply moves as directed at one-half its speed.

Heuristic Processor

This type of processor allows a droid to learn by doing, usually without instruction. The droid is able to reason through several potential solutions to tasks and formulate the best approach.Because of this, a droid with a heuristic processor may use skills untrained, just like any other character. Similarly, the droid can wield a weapon even if it is not proficient in its use (but still takes the normal -5 penalty on attack rolls). In addition, a droid with a heuristic processor can creatively interpret its instructions, allowing it to complete tasks in a manner that it deems appropriate. A heuristic processor allows a droid to work around its behavioral inhibitors as long as it can justify a given action.

For example, a non-combat droid with a heuristic processor can attack and even harm a sentient living being as long as it believes that doing so will ultimately save more sentient living beings from harm. Over time, a droid equipped with a heuristic processor develops a unique personality based on experience. Because of this, memory wipes and restraining bolts are commonly used to ensure that a heuristic processor doesn't allow a droid to stray too far from its intended purpose. Still, some progressive masters actually encourage their droids to break their programming, trusting the droid's judgment to make independent decisions without taking advantage of the situation.

Hidden Core

The droid has a concealed back-up copy of its personality and the data, skills, and memories it regards as critical to its mission or operation. The copy can be concealed within the droid's main processor or be installed as a hidden secondary data store elsewhere within the droid. The backup restores itself 1d6 days after a memory wipe with a successful DC 20 Computer Use check (roll 1d20+ 10, or 1d20+ the droid's current Computer Use skill modifier, whichever is greater). If unsuccessful, the core tries to restore itself again every 1d6 days. Discovering a hidden core requires a Computer Use check against the droid's Will save. The character making the Computer Use check must state that he or she is looking for a hidden core or for anything suspicious. For double the standard cost of a hidden core, the core's installer can automatically provide a Will save of 30 for this check.

Personality Downloader

Highly illegal, a personality down loader is a custom-built electronic unit designed to quickly suppress an existing droid 's personality with a new one. Thieves, pirates, smugglers, infiltrators, and other scoundrels occasionally use a personality downloader to take control of an enemy's droid for their own use. Using the device requires the attacker to plug the personality downloader into one of the droid's data ports. Droids with locked access or without accessible data ports must be coaxed into complying.

Once the personality downloader is attached, the user makes a Computer Use check opposed by the droid's Will Save. If the check is successful, the personality copies itself to the droid's processor and suppresses the existing personality in 5 minutes. The process is imperfect, however. To maintain control, every 10 minutes the new personality must make another Computer Use check opposed by the original personality. The invading personality continues to use the attacking character's Computer Use skill, even though the actual character is not actively involved after the initial download is successful.

Remote Processor

The droid's processor isn't located in the droid; instead, the droid is actually a drone for a remote processor. The processor is equipped with a transmitter that allows a droid equipped with the appropriate remote receiver to operate as far away as 3 miles (for the least expensive model) to as much as 3,000 miles (for the most expensive model).

The advantage of a remote processor is that it makes the droid much less expensive because it only needs a receiver instead of a local control system.

The drawback is that the droid doesn't react as quickly as a droid with an internal processor, so it takes a -2 penalty to its Dexterity.

Remote Receiver

This unit allows a droid to receive instructions from a remote processor. Only droids without internal processors (such as Baktoid Combat Automata battle droids)can be fitted with remote receivers. A remote receiver can only be connected to one remote processor at a time. Changing the connection to a different remote processor requires a DC 20 repair check and a tool kit. 

Remote Starship Starter

Scoundrels have a habit of fleeing star ports with the authorities on their heels. When a captain cannot leave a crew member back at the ship, a remote starship starter comes in handy. A droid equipped with this radio transmitter can signal the ship to begin the preflight processes; the ship transmits preflight diagnostics back to the droid as a free action. Although the droid is not able to operate the ship remotely, having the ship prepared for departure can save the crew vital minutes during an escape. 

Restraining Bolt

A restraining bolt turns off a droid's motor impulse without actually shutting down the droid. The restraining bolt is activated with a handheld device called a droid caller. Restraining bolts must be secured to specific locations on droids. Attaching or removing a restraining bolt is a full-round action and requires a DC 10 Repair check. A droid fitted with a restraining bolt can't upgrade or improve its skills. A droid with a heuristic processor can attempt to remove its own restraining bolt as a standard action with a successful DC 20 Charisma check followed by a successful DC 15 Repair check. A droid that fails the Charisma check can't attempt to remove the restraining bolt again until 24 hours pass. 

Secondary Battery

A secondary battery (sometimes called a redundant battery or backup  battery) provides the droid with additional power, allowing it to operate for a longer duration.

The secondary battery enables the droid to remain operational for 200 hours (instead of the normal 100 hours) before it needs to shut down and recharge.

Shard Crystal: [Cannot be Automaton Frame]

Shards were a silicon-based species native to the planet Orax, who took the form of irregularly faceted cylindrical crystals thirty to forty centimeters in length. Faint pulses of light—thought signals propagating through their "brains"—could be seen inside their bodies. Shards were immobile in their natural state, but could be installed in specially modified droids. Though inorganic, some Shards were Force-sensitives. These Shards, installed in droid bodies, formed the Iron Knights, a sub-division of the Jedi Order. Due to the melding of Droid and Silicon life they take a -2 to Dexterity but any charisma penalties due to chassis is removed due to the shard personality replacing the droid one. 

Specialized Subprocessor

Specialized subprocessors are customized processing units designed to aid droids in specific tasks. Varying in size, abilities, cost, and difficulty of installation, each subprocessor enables a droid to carry out a specific calculation or analysis more quickly or simultaneously with other tasks. A specialized subprocessor grants a droid a single extra swift action each turn that can only be used to perform an action related to a single skill, chosen at the time the subprocessor is created. A droid can only have one specialized subprocessor. 

Synchronized Fire Circuits

A droid with a remote receiver can have synchronized fire circuits that better coordinate its actions with other droids. When successfully using the aid another action to assist another droid connected to the same remote processor, a droid with synchronized fire circuits grants an additional +2 bonus to the other droid's check or roll. 

Tactician Battle Computer

Strict governmental regulations apply to fourth-degree droids. However, droid manufacturers know that money can be made by manufacturing droids for war, so they develop systems such as the tactician battle computer to circumvent restrictions on fourth-degree droids. This software package and transmitter can be installed on any droid. Additionally, small transceivers must also be installed on the ranged weapons used with the package. Restrictions prohibit the droid from using any weapons other than those with transceivers associated with its tactician battle computer. In fact, if the droid running the tactician battle computer picks up a weapon not equipped with the transceiver, the tactician battle computer shuts down and can be restarted only after succeeding on a DC 20 Repair check. The droid spends a standard action to analyze t he current battle conditions. The droid transmits its findings to the sensors installed on the weapons of its allies . The droid automatically grants a +2 bonus to the next attack roll made by a number of allies equal to its Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If an ally does not make its next attack before the end of its next turn, this bonus is lost. Only ranged weapons can be used with the tactician battle computer.