Major Manufacturers

Arakyd Industries

Bolstered by the rise of the Emperor and a skillful political strategy, Arakyd Industries is the primary producer of the Empire's military droids. The company's specialties are exploration droids and probe droids, but it also produces commercial units. Arakyd 's market dominance enables it to supply the New Republic in later years, despite the company's Imperial dealings. It also contracts with other major forces, such as planetary governments and the Sector Rangers. Arakyd utilizes Mechis III plants, among others.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Arakyd units are well known for their intense mission focus, occasionally going beyond the expected limits of their programming to achieve a mission objective. When confronted with an action that it would normally not be able to perform due to its behavioral inhibitors, it can attempt (through twisting logic or reprogramming) to bypass the normal limitations.

Once per day, an Arakyd droid can make a Diplomacy check or a Computer Use check against a DC equal to its own Will Save. If the check is successful, the droid's behavioral inhibitor allows it to take prohibited actions until the forbidden action is completed. After completion, the inhibitor returns to normal functioning.

Baktoid Combat Automata

Baktoid Combat Automata is part of the extensive Baktoid family of companies. In factories scattered across the Triangulum galaxy, Baktoid builds untold numbers of battle droids in the years prior to and during the Clone Wars, supplying droids to the Trade Federation and to the Separatists. Baktoid earns a reputation for producing cheap, substandard battle droids thanks to its inferior B1 unit. Other models lack the B1's flaws, but Baktoid's standard designs still suffer from lesser processors and inhibited analytical thinking. After the Separatists' defeat, the Empire shuts down Baktoid. Most of its factories are dismantled, destroyed, nationalized, or taken over by other companies.

Traits: ECU change: +50,000

Baktoid units suffer from inferior processors and remote data links. A character can make a Persuasion check opposed by a Baktoid droid's Perception skill to attempt to temporarily confuse it with contradictory data or brash, seemingly illogical action. If the check is successful, the droid can take no action for one round as it tries to find an appropriate response. If the Persuasion check is unsuccessful, the droid recognizes the ruse and proclaims it loudly while taking an immediate swift action as a reaction.

Balmorran Arms

Balmorran Arms is best known for providing walkers and other combat vehicles to the military forces of the Galactic Empire. However, it also has an effective combat droid division that is active throughout the years of the Galactic Empire's rule. Balmorran also produces civilian droid models, primarily for use as security units. Some of these units are highly specialized and find success in the years of the Clone Wars, because people throughout the Triangulum galaxy feel threatened by the war and the associated increase in deepspace piracy. The company's SD-model battle droids are a cornerstone of the military forces of the reborn Emperor years after the Battle of Endor. However, Balmorran Arms is tied directly to the Balmorran government and, therefore, is embroiled in the planet's political gamesmanship. The company ultimately supplies both the resurgent Empire and the New Republic at various times during the reborn Emperor's resurgence.

Traits: ECU change: -50,000

Balmorran droid models undergo constant revision and upgrades, so one year's model is rarely the same as the previous year's. When creating or purchasing a new Balmorran Arms droid, increase one ability score by 1.

Colicoid Creation Nest

The Colicoid Creation Nest manufactures all the Colicoids' high-technology products, such as droids, vehicles, weapons, and equipment. As might be expected from the products of such a vicious and violent species, Colicoid battle droids are among the Triangulum galaxy's toughest and most ruthless automatons. During the Clone Wars, the Colicoids supply droidekas, tri-fighters, and buzz droids to the Separatist forces, while retaining even more powerful models for defense of their homeworld. The end of the Clone Wars shuts down the Colicoids' droid export business, but the nest continues to build the planet's other high-technology goods. Since most beings stay as far from the Colicoids' violent homeworld as possible, few actively seek out their services or models. However, brave or foolhardy traders risk obtaining highly customized droids or batches of new Colicoid models for specific dealers, crime lords, or collectors-for a large fee.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Colicoid droids are vicious and difficult to take down. They are completely fearless and follow orders without question. Once per encounter, a Colicoid droid can ignore all negative penalties from status effects when making an attack.

Cybot Galactica

Cybot Galactica dominates the nonmilitary droid market, excelling in both design and marketing. Although its prices match its prestige, Cybot Galactica's customer service and repair service span the Triangulum galaxy. All major and most lesser Republic and Imperial worlds hold at least one official Cybot sales and service center. Cybot is a major player in the Corporate Sector and wields considerable political influence in the Core Worlds as well. Cybot utilizes Telti facilities as well as those on the planet Affa for its protocol division.

Traits: ECU change: 0

Cybot systems are so commonplace that Non-Artilect heroes with Skill Focus (Repair) can modify or repair Cybot droids in half the time that would be required for a normal droid. This does not stack with any other ability that saves modification or repair time. A droid does not gain this benefit when modifying itself.

Czerka Corporation

Originally operating as Czerka Mining and Industrial in the time of the Old Republic, Czerka Corporation has produced droids and innumerable other products for thousands of years. During the Old Republic, Czerka Corporation is an early major player in both the combat-droid and service-droid markets. By the rise of the Empire, Czerka still produces sophisticated droids and computer systems, but no longer dominates that market because of its shift to arms manufacturing.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Czerka droid designs are exceptionally personable, no matter their degree or designed purpose. Even the feared HK assassin droids have a certain frightening charm. A Czerka droid can use its Intelligence or Wisdom modifier instead of its Charisma modifier to determine its Persuasion skill modifier.

Duwani Mechanical Products

Operating 4,000 years before the rise of the Empire, Duwani Mechanical Products is among the more successful droid manufacturers of the Old Republic. Duwani products span the range of the droid market, including service droids and early battle droids. Duwani's droids are durable and rugged-looking. Although elegant models exist, Duwani's design style is utilitarian and minimalist. Duwani battle droids fight for the Old Republic, and its service and protocol droids are commonly found at Republic and commercial facilities around the Triangulum  galaxy.

The reliability of its units and its superior customer service make Duwani a major competitor of Czerka Corporation in the droid market.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Once per encounter, when it has half or fewer of its maximum hit points, as a reaction, a Duwani droid can either gain 5 bonus hit points or add 5 to its damage threshold for one round.

Holowan Mechanicals

Holowan Mechanicals is best known for developing the IG-Series droids. The IG-Series designs are obtained through the acquisition of assets from Phlut Design Systems by the InterGalactic Banking Clan . During the Clone Wars, the IG-100 MagnaGuards serve prominently as General Grievous's personal bodyguards. However, when developing the IG assassination droid series, Holowan technicians seriously underestimate the lethality of their design, eventually losing the entire team to the escaped prototypes, setting back Holowan as a competitive droid producer for years to come.

Traits: ECU change: -50,000

Holowan units are designed for lethality. Once per encounter, a Holowan droid can add 1 die of damage to an attack.

Imperial Department of Military Research [Galactic Empire]

Although not a manufacturer of droids, the Imperial Department of Military Research advances droid design in unusual directions. Rebel leaders learn over the course of the Galactic Civil War that the department is responsible for dark and cunning droid designs, such as interrogation droids and the Dark Trooper project. When a particularly dangerous design is discovered, Rebel agents are dispatched to hinder its development or to destroy the facilities required to build the units.

Traits: ECU change: 0

Imperial droids vary greatly in mission and specifications. However, their prototypes are constructed with built-in tracking devices and recording equipment to document the droid's performance. The droids transmit the data upon command to a central reporting station or, when in the field, to the nearest Imperial installation.

Industrial Automaton

The hugely successful R-Series astromech droids make Industrial Automaton one of the Triangulum galaxy's more successful droid manufacturers. Industrial Automaton competes with Cybot Galactica in price, product, and service, and its sales and maintenance facilities can be found on any civilized planet with a sufficiently advanced tech level or a major starport. lA's major production lines are on Telti, but it also employs factories throughout the triangulum galaxy.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Industrial Automaton astromechs can be found in most starports, and technicians are used to working with IA units. When assisting on a Mechanics check, an Industrial Automaton droid trained in Mechanics can add its Intelligence bonus (minimum + 1) to the normal +2 bonus.


Another droid manufacturer to benefit from the rise of the Empire, MerenData supplies security, espionage, and interrogation droids to the Imperial military and government agencies. MerenData also produces commercial units, competing with Cybot Galactica. Although it is not a dominant player, MerenData's reliable designs and the company's centuries- long history make it a worthy competitor. MerenData's support of the Empire makes sales to the New Republic initially impossible and undesirable. However, as Imperial influence shrinks, so does MerenData's opposition to doing business with the New Republic-aided by the ousting of company officials tied to the Empire. MerenData is al so a major contributor to the Corporate Sector.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

MerenData droids are known for their intimidating personalities. When making a Persuasion check to intimidate, a MerenData droid adds its Wisdom bonus to the skill check. When attempting to intimidate another droid, it adds its Wisdom bonus and its Charisma bonus to the check.


Roche is the popular nickname for the Verpine droid manufacturer Roche Hive Mechanical Apparatus Design and Construction Activity for Those Who Need the Hive's Machines. Like their creators, Roche droids are insectoid, causing poor sales of early models, even to other insectoid species. However, the Verpines' love of technology drives them to refine the line, so their line of droids slowly expands into the galactic market. Limited distribution makes new units difficult to obtain, requiring making a trip to the Roche System or locating an Ithorian herdship with an authorized dealer. Used units-especially worker drones and other early models-can be purchased at a highly discounted rate from used droid and junk dealers throughout the backwaters of the Triangulum galaxy.

Traits: ECU change: 0

Roche units are precisely constructed with easily modified appendages and accessories. When modifying an appendage, an accessory, a tool, a weapon, or an instrument mounted on an appendage, apply a +5 circumstance bonus to the Mechanics check. This bonus does not apply to droids modifying themselves.


Serv-O-Droid is one of the Triangulum galaxy's older and more successful droid manufacturers Spanning thousands of years, from the time of the Old Republic until the years before the Clone Wars, Serv-O-Droid specializes in service droids and worker droids, including personal assistants and heavy duty commercial labor units. However, the company makes a series of bad business decisions, allying with the Republic's bureaucracy. The result is a political nightmare. Corrupt Senators give the company tax breaks and other favors but demand great monetary and political payments in return . As the corrupt Republic declines, so does Serv-O-Droid, despite expanding into security and professional assistant models. Its assets are liquidated and sold off to the Corporate Sector Authority. However, new units are still available through the Droid ReServe, a droid remainder reseller located on Elshandruu Pica. With millions of fully operational units to sell , the reseller makes Serv- O-Droid units and spare parts available for years.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Serv-O- Droids are highly reliable units. When recharging, they can remove one persistent condition that requires repairs to remove per day.

Tendrando Arms

The Yuuzhan Vong invasion decimates the galactic droid market. Because of their fanatical hatred of mechanical automatons, the Yuuzhan Vong raze droid plants by the thousands, destroying or disabling companies and causing the shutdown of plants far from the invasion corridor. Lando Calrissian and his wife, Tendra Risant, restart several idle factories with their new company, Tendrando Arms, producing droids specifically designed to battle the Yuuzhan Vong. With the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, Tendrando Arms provides security, guardian, and related droids to the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Order.

Traits: ECU change: -25,000

Tendrando Arms droids are efficient security and combat droids.Their YVH droid design angers the Yuuzhan Vong at a primitive level. Tendrando Arms droids use this antagonism to their advantage. A Tendrando Arms droid gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its Defense and saves against Yuuzhan Vong.

Veril Line Systems

Veril Line Systems, often called Veriline for short, ·excels at industrial droid design. Its units are plain but reliable and durable, and its signature power droids can be found in most starport s. Veriline units feature highly efficient processing systems. The droids have only enough processing and analytical ability to fulfill their simple and monotonous jobs. When dealing with tasks or situations beyond their programming, Veriline's cheaper units are simplistic at best, and downright stupid at worst. Units that require sophisticated programming receive exactly what they need to be successful, but no more. Veriline is headquartered on Coruscant and utilizes Telti droid plants as well as assembly lines of its own on or near major industrial worlds.

Traits: ECU change: -50,000

Veril Line Systems droids are highly resilient. Once per day, a Veriline droid can make a DC 20 Endurance check to extend its run time by 25 hours or remove one persistent condition that requires repairs to remove.