Artilect Locomotion

All droids begin with a base movement speed determined by locomotion system

Droids can have more than one locomotion system.

Type of Droids:

Restricted Locomotion System

The cost of a droid's locomotion system can be reduced by placing limitations on its use. The two types of restrictions are exclusive and limited. A restricted locomotion system costs only one-tenth the normal cost.

Exclusive Locomotion System:

The droid must spend a move action to engage or disengage this locomotion system. While the system is engaged, the droid can only use the move and run actions.

Limited Locomotion System:

The droid can only use this locomotion system for a limited time. After using this locomotion system for 1 round, the droid must make an Endurance check
(DC 10, +1 per check after the first) or it cannot use that locomotion system again for 1 minute (10 rounds).

Climbing Claws

Claws designed to grip a surface can be added to any droid with a walking locomotion system. Climbing claws grant the droid a climb speed equal to one-half its walking speed. In addition, a droid equipped with climbing claws may reroll a failed Climb check (keeping the better result) and can take 10 on Climb checks even when rushed or threatened.

Climbing claws double the cost of a walking locomotion system.

Extra Legs

Walking droids are usually bipedal,but a walking droid can be built with three or more legs (usually four) to grant the droid extra stability and carrying capacity.
This doubles the cost of the walking locomotion system, but the droid's carrying capacity is 50% higher than that of a bipedal droid of the same Strength.
In addition, the droid gains a +5 stability bonus on checks to resist attempts to knock it prone.

Jump Servos

Repulsorlift-assisted jump servos can be added to any droid with a walking locomotion system. Jump servos grant the droid the ability to treat all jumps as running jumps, even without the normal running start. In addition, the droid may reroll a failed Jump check (keeping the better result) and take 10 on Jump checks even when rushed or threatened.

Jump servos double the cost of a walking locomotion system.

Magnetic Feet

Electromagnetic grippers enable a droid to cling to a ship's hull, even when the ship is moving at high speed. Magnetic Feet Double the cost of the locomotion system.Only droids with walking, wheeled, or tracked locomotion can have magnetic feet

Magnetic Feet doubles the cost of the selected locomotion.

Burrower Drive

Mining and other fifth-degree droids can use a burrower drive to tear through large chunks of ore embedded in the crust of a planet or in an asteroid. A burrower drive enables a droid to move at half speed underground. It can also move vertically up or down at a similar rate.

Gyroscopic Stabilizers

Using an integrated system of gyroscopes, hydraulics, and high-speed processing, this system gives a droid greater stability. The droid gains a +5 stability bonus to checks and defenses to resist attempts to knock it prone.

This bonus stacks with the bonus provided by extra legs

Underwater Drive

A droid purchased on a water world such as Mon Calamari comes with an underwater drive as a standard option. The drive process is simple. The engine draws water in through the front of the drive and expels it quickly out the back. An underwater drive gives the droid a swim speed equal to its base land speed.