
The Automatons were created by a long dead civilization known as the Reyans who perished many millennia ago due to the gradual self-destruction of their world. Decades of uncontrolled industrialization and technologies that relied on a highly toxic underground fuel caused irreversible damage to the ecosystem and atmosphere of their planet. Realizing that they were doomed, the Reyans attempted to build a massive fleet of migration ships to escape their planet, but most of the ships either exploded on launch, or stalled in the atmosphere and fell to the ground.

The Reyans despaired… and so they decided to leave a legacy in the form of one of their greatest technological achievements, clockwork beings. Having a very old and proud history of clockwork, the Reyans had achieved the maximum potential  of the technology in their creation of massive clockwork men to which they gifted all the traits of a young species. Within a year of the creation of the clockwork men, the Reyans committed mass suicide so as not to suffer through the effects of a dying planet, leaving their greatest creations behind, alone, and lost.

Over time the clockwork creations of the Reyans developed a simple society of their own and began exploiting the technologies left behind by their creators. All was well for the young civilization of machines until one day a large Ancient ship crashed into the planet spreading a Nanomolecular dust that it was transporting all over the surface. The dust modified the machines, gave them enhanced abilities and over time even sentience. The deadly and toxic fuel that used to power the machines was also replaced, but strangely the new fuel became the same dust.

In only a few weeks, the clockwork machines had evolved, become truly sentient, and gained new purpose in existence which was unheard of in even the most advanced AI’s created by other races. They came to call themselves, the Automatons and with the newly gained freedom of dust they began learning... and advancing.

The Automaton Civilization stayed on their planet, learning to live in a symbiotic relationship with nature as the planet healed over time. They used the knowledge of their creators and their new dust based engines to produce massive floating ships on which they lived in order to protect the healing ecosystem on the planet from their involvement. Over the course of centuries the planet healed and the Automatons learned to live with and love nature while still developing immense industrial capacity and production within the hulls of their floating ships --which had also grown over time. But eventually the Automatons calculated that their dust supply would run out and their civilization would die, so they uncovered the old ruins of the crashed ancient ship and began developing their own vehicles for space flight. 

Strong Alloys: Automatons Start with the Toughness feat.

Terrain Stride:

- Choose a favored terrain type. Automatons can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within the chosen terrain. Magically altered terrain affects them normally.

+1 Wisdom

- The Automatons do their best to learn from the mistakes of their creators.


-Once per day, Automatons can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll.

Dust Soul:

- Automatons Possess a Chakra network like organic beings composed of a unique substance called dust, they do not require a Ether Engine to cast unless this Dust Network is damaged beyond repair, they are also eligible for Force sensitive/Psionic Entity feat if they wish to take it, This makes the Automatons have a +1 Chakra die modifier instead of the default -9 that other mechanical lifeforms possess, however they still need to consume feats to gain additional elements like organic beings.

*Does not/cannot Possess Behavioral inhibitors, cannot be turned off.

Tier 2 Artilect - Automaton

Hardwire Technologies: [Cannot be Altered]

Wise +1 Wis +2 RP

Specific Feat - Toughness +2 RP

Emissary +1 RP

Terrain Stride +1 RP

Dust Soul: 4 RP [Unique: Cannot be Copied or used in hybrid rules without DM permission and a proper explanation]

Budget Reduction: -250,000

350,000/600,000 ECU construction Budget Remaining

*Must be Walking Locomotion