
Winning tricksters and loveable rogues. These are the Foxkin, sometimes called fox spirits by the more spiritually-minded or superstitious, a race with strong ties to the weave.

Foxkin draw their life straight from the depths of the weave itself, and are infused with great mystical powers as a result. They enjoy the company of others immensely, but they only mate for life with other Foxkin. Being so strongly tied to magic, Foxkin are not bound by the same laws that govern many mortals, and age at roughly the same rate as elves, though they can start adventuring at about the same age as humans.

Foxkin have been members of the Imperium longer then most other races and even have ended up colonizing dozens of worlds similar to the Palmans themselves though most civilians are unsure of where or when they actually arrived in the Imperium including the Foxkin themselves. As a result they come in three variants due to them changing somewhat to the new environs as they travelled with the 'ancients' as the foxkin tend to call them.

Racial Abilities [All Subtypes]

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Any

  • Low-light Vision

  • Size: Medium

  • Base Land Speed: 30 Feet

  • Nei Power: Weather Shield

Vulpinus Calidus

Mota Adapted - Fennec - Desert Foxkin

Fennecs are the big-eared Foxkin, living in the heat of the desert. There they have taken up their own special niche, and are much like Foxkin from more temperate climes, They are adept at survival in their home terrain, and are noted as the most reliable water detector one could ever have around.

Hitpoint modifier 1d6 Control point modifier +3

  • Dowsing Ears:- The large ears of the Fennec Foxkin act like a set of Dowsing rods. They can Sense water similar to the Scent feature up to 240 feet away.

  • Mota Adapted - Fennecs' evolution was altered by their time on Motavia. Choose one of the Dry world Planetary adaptation feats.

  • Natural Armor: DR 1/- Foxkin's thick fur coat protects them from a small amount of damage. Fur damage reduction only works against weapon damage.

Vulpinus Humidus

Palm Adapted - Humid Foxkin

Hitpoint modifier 1d8 Control point modifier +2

  • Scent Special Quality

  • Palm Adapted - The Foxkin's evolution was altered by their time on Old Palma. Choose one of the Wet world Planetary adaptation feats.

  • Natural Armor: DR 1/- Foxkin's thick fur coat protects them from a small amount of damage. Fur damage reduction only works against weapon damage.

Vulpinus Frigus

Dezo Adapted - Arctic Foxkin

Hitpoint modifier 1d10 Control point modifier +1

Arctic Foxkin are those from the frigid extremes, and are specially adapted for life in those climes. They are much like normal Foxkin, but are noted for being more trustworthy and hospitable, but also much harder to find, being secretive and careful of all their comings and goings.

  • Heat Sensitive:- Living in the extreme cold has granted the snow vulpines the ability to sense heat similar to the Scent feature up to 240 feet away.

  • Dezo Adapted - The Snow Vulpine's evolution was altered by their time on Dezolis. Choose one of the Frozen world Planetary adaptation feats.

  • Natural Armor: DR 1/- Foxkin's thick fur coat protects them from a small amount of damage. Fur damage reduction only works against weapon damage.

Vulpinus Crystallum

Rykros Adapted - Crystalline Foxkin

These pastel fur colored foxkin have very soft crystalline fur from spending such a long period of time on Rykros. They seem to shrug off elemental magic far easier then others but are somewhat frail.

Hitpoint modifier 1d4 Control point modifier +4

  • Crystal Sense :- Living on such an unsual world make it hard to survive especially when everything on the planet is crystalline in nature as such the crystal foxes can sense crystals and gems as per the Scent feature up to 120 feet away.

  • Rykros Adapted - These Foxkin have had their evolution was altered by their time on Rykros. Choose either Rykros World or Metaphasic crystalline world Planetary adaptation feats.

  • Crystalline Fur: DR 1/- Foxkin's crystalline fiber fur protects them from a small amount of damage. Crystalline Fur damage reduction only works against Primal Arts damage

Nei Power: Weather Shield

Nei Power: Weather Shield

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Area: 90 Feet.

Chakra Cost: Activation: 4 Chakra

Maintain: 2 Chakra per Round.

A creature inside the perimeter of a weather shield suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -100 and 280 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves).

Weather Shield doesn’t provide any protection from Directed fire or cold damage that may penetrate the shield wall

It can Protect the inhabitants from other environmental hazards such as smoke, Air passes through the weather shield so the occupants can breathe, however airborne diseases and toxins can still penetrate the barrier due to this.

Weather Shield can block Low level radiation from the environment, but only the most basic category

Vulpinus Caelum Castellum

Air Castle Adapted - Starborn Foxkin

Hitpoint modifier 1d12 Control point modifier +0

  • Sense Atmosphere :- Depressurization is always a danger when living in space. Starfoxes can detect pressured areas similar to the Scent feature up to 240 feet away.

  • Castle Fox - Starfoxe's evolution was altered by their time living on the air castle and eventually other artifical palman structures. Start with Starborn Planetary adaptation feat.

  • Natural Armor: DR 1/- Foxkin's thick fur coat protects them from a small amount of damage. Fur damage reduction only works against weapon damage.

DM-RP: 15 [Tier B]
  • Attribute - Slightly Spiritual +1 [+1 RP]
  • Power - Weather Shield [+4 RP]
  • Low-light vision: 1 RP
  • Minor Flexibility [+2 Any] :+1 RP
  • Sense Ability [+4 RP]
  • Planet Adaptation [+2 RP]
  • Fur Armor [+2 RP]
  • Asteroid Fox - Tank Fox 1d12 | +0
  • Frost Fox - Tuff Fox 1d10 | +1
  • Forest fox - Base Fox 1d08 | +2
  • Desert Fox - Magical Fox 1d06 | +3
  • Crystal Fox - Glass Cannon Fox 1d04 | +4