
Vulcans tend to be tall and dark haired with elongated earlobes and slanted eyebrows, and some specimens have pronounced brows. Similar to Humans, Vulcans tend to have a wide range of skin tones, an example being Xialites, and other tropically descended Vulcans, possessing a darker skin complexion.

The Vulcan epidermis is unlike any in the known galaxy as it formed a two-way moisture proof shield which protects the body from external liquids and pressure, as well as maintaining the inner temperature and the liquid environment of the organs. A notable difference between Humans and Vulcans is that Vulcans do not possess sweat glands. Instead, they evolved an ability that allows their blood, skin, and body structure to cool itself rather than perspire, which would be inefficient on the race's desert homeworld. Vulcan blood vessels are more dilated than Humans. The larger blood vessels are the reason Vulcan blood pressure is lower.

The dilated blood vessels and fast heart rate also play a key role in regulating Vulcan body temperature.

A standard 91°F (32.78° C) body temperature is maintained by the internal cooling mechanism of fast blood circulation

Vulcan Racial Traits:

Wound Die Type: 1d12 Racial Chakra Modifier +1

+2 to Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution.

-4 Charisma

Size: Medium Base Speed: 30 feet

Telepathic Race: Psi Rating Roll 1d5+1 instead of normal 3d3-3

Medical Classification: Group III-a - Vulcanoid (copper-blood-Green)

Emotionless State

+2 to saves verses mind affecting spells and effects. In addition they can enter a state identical to Calm emotions as a move action at will.

Saving Throw Bonus

+2 to Fortitude saves when dealing with Poison

Skill Concentration

Vulcans cannot be fazed and are allowed to take 10 on non chakra, non Psionic skill checks while under fire.

Truth Speech

Vulcans are known for always telling the truth; it is against their culture to lie for any reason. It is possible for them to overcome this with a Will roll, but they have to beat a DC 22.

Violent Suppression

Vulcans have extremely violent tendencies. To suppress these tendencies,they must meditate at least 30 minutes per day. If they do not meditate, they take a -1 on all rolls(stacks per day) and need to make sanity checks every Third day.

Pon Farr

Every 7 years, Vulcans enter Pon Farr. When this occurs they must mate within 1 week or die. During this week until they mate they cannot use their emotionless state ability, they also have -4 wisdom and -2 intelligence (minimum 3 for both).

Mind Meld

If a vulcan is in direct contact with an individual with at least 2 intelligence as a move action they can enter a "mind meld". In this meld the vulcan's mind and their target's mind are linked and each is aware immediately of the other's surface thoughts. As a swift action either party in the meld can attempt (by making an opposed will save) to pull information from deep within the other's mind. Against non-vulcans, Vulcans gain +2 when pulling information. Normally the target must either be willing or grappled to be able to be subjected to the meld, and if they break the grapple the meld is broken and both the Vulcan and the subject take 1d6 subdual damage.

Nerve Pinch[Learned Ability]

You can incapacitate foes with a vice-like pinch.
Benefit: You can make an unarmed attack against a living creature. If the attack succeeds, the target takes no damage but must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your character level + your Strength modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. If the target’s attack of opportunity hits you and deals damage, the nerve pinch automatically fails.
Special: This ability does not work on creatures without nervous systems or discernible anatomies, such as oozes and plants.Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are immune to this attack. A Vulcan must have one hand free to make this attack.

Vulcans can teach this ability to others, but it takes a week and 25,000 ECU worth of materials and a Feat slot to achieve this.

Vulcans gain this ability for free.

Non-Vulcan Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4.


Ability Scores: Weakness -1 RP (+2 to Strength, +2 Intelligence, -4 to Charisma)

Advanced Dexterity +2 dex +4RP

Advanced Constitution +2 Con +4RP

Natural Force Sensitive +4 RP

Resistant (2 RP) Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison.

Nerve Pinch feat slot: +2 RP

Skill Concentration: +1 RP

Attribute Modifiers:Highly Spiritual +2 Chakra per level RP:2

Racial Power: Mind Meld: +1 RP

Truth Speech -2 RP

Violent Suppression - 2 RP