
Racial Attributes

  • Wound Points 1d8

  • Control Modifier +1

  • +4 Dexterity

  • Tribal Attribute [See Below]

  • -2 Constitution

  • Size: Medium

  • Base Speed: 40ft

  • Medical Class:

Group IV-c (Omnivores)

Tribal Attribute:

  • Feol Viera - +2 Charisma

  • Veena Viera - +2 Wisdom

  • Fanow Viera - +2 Intelligence

  • Rava Viera - +2 Strength

Fey Blood:

For all effects related to race, Viera are considered a type of fey. A Viera is just as vulnerable to special effects that affect fey, and they can use magic items that are useable by fey.

Universal Appeal (fey) (Ex):

Viera do not suffer any penalty to Charisma when interacting with creatures of a different species.

Darkvision I: 60 Feet.

Spirit-Sense (Su):
Vieras gain a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks made to hear, find, or see a spirit.

DM-RP: 15 RP

  • Attributes: Normal HP and Chakra Balance

  • Ability Scores: Standard 0 RP

  • Mist Sensitive (RP -2) -Linked- Mist Rage (RP +4)

  • Fae Blooded +1 RP -Linked- Universal Appeal +2 RP

  • Spirit-Sense (RP +2) -linked- Mist Sight [1 RP]

  • Dark-Vision: +2 RP

  • Advanced Dexerity (4 RP)

  • Fast I [+10 ft]: 1 RP

  • Scent Eligible [0 RP]

  • Can be Forsaken: Fae = No

Physical Description

The Viera have rabbit-like features, including long ears and supple limbs. Due to their long feet, Viera wear stilettos most of the time. Many of the Viera have a heightened sense of smell, which can sometimes put them at a disadvantage against some of Ivalice's smellier monsters. The Viera are very sensitive to mist, which is how they refer to and perceive magic. If they are exposed to too much magic, they will go into a Aether induced frenzy, known simply as a mist frenzy. When experiencing a mist frenzy, a Viera can literally tear apart metal shackles and kill armored humans with unarmed blows.

The Viera's ears not only allow them to hear over great distances, they also allow them to listen to the voices of the spirit world. They can put this ability to great use, either to communicate with the world around them, or to summon monsters from other worlds. Furthermore, the Viera have approximately three times the lifespan of humans they can be more than 50 years old and still be in their prime.

Viera have superb eyesight compared to most races. It is said that they can spot their prey from as far as 10 km (6.22 miles) distance. Not to forget their sense of hearing, this allows them to tell the difference in footsteps which comes in handy if they are being hunted themselves.

Viera have light-colored hair, the Viera are divided into three sub-branches; the light-skinned Veena Viera and the dark-skinned Rava Viera. Another sub-branch called the Feol Viera exists.. Though those who chose to live among other races often develop an interest in hair dying.


Viera are reclusive and live their lives in the wood and distrust outsiders. Even those who are viera but not part of their society are considered outsiders and not of their wood. They are so unforgiving on this matter that they are willing to cast out family members and declare them outsiders once they have made the decision to leave their territory. Free viera are considered to be outsiders in the human world and often avoid the lawful authorities, as they are also not quite accepted in that world either.


Viera have no particular warm feelings toward any races, not even their own if they are not part of their society in the woods. They are haughty and consider themselves closer to the natural world and also consider humans to be trespassers and encroachers who bring pollution and rebellion where they go.


Viera believe in an animistic faith bound to the wood where they came from and perform rites of invocation summoning the wood's intervention, believing it to be holy on its own.

Racial Information

Scent Eligible - A general feat slot may be used to purchase the Scent special quality

Mist [Magic] Sight

Viera can see and utilize the magic in the air when using projectile weapons, allowing them to augment their shots to cross greater distances. This ability ceases to function in areas where magic is completely non-existent.

Ranged classes can use this eyesight to help them shoot farther than other races.

Benefit: Range Increment on ranged weapons is improved by 50%.

Mist [Magic] Sensitive (Su):
Viera are sensitive to magical auras and feel the presence or absence of magical auras, but can not pinpoint or see the auras unless they are normally visible to anyone. When a viera is within the boundaries of an environmental effect known as Miasma or Mist or just magical in nature that is too strong to handle (caster level at least 7 levels higher that the viera's HD), she must attempt a Will save DC (10 + the caster level of the aura − her character level) or enter a Mist Rage. This Will save must be made every minute that the viera stays within 60 feet of the magical aura. The viera is always immune to any magical effect that originated from them or that they posses, such as a spell they cast or an item that they are wielding. Miasma can be emitted by naturally tainted land, ancient artifacts or even deities, however deities can choose whether or not a viera needs to make a will save against their mist. Some combat-based Viera create magical rings that can induce mist rage for limited amounts of time.

Mist [Magic] Rage (Su)
While in this state, the viera gains a +2 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, and a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, but she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. A viera cannot use Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can she cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. She can use any feat she has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metachakra feats. Mist Rage lasts for as long as the Viera is in range of the aura. If her Mist Rage lasted longer than a number of rounds equal to 1/4 her character level + her Constitution modifier, she becomes fatigued (−2 penalty to Strength, −2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter or one minute after, which ever is shorter.