
Blue skinned Psions from Star Control

The Syreen are a race of bipedal hominids astonishingly similar to the Humans. There has been much speculation about the relationship between Humans and Syreen, including possible intervention on the part of the another race. Palman scientists believe that the Syreen are the product of genetic tampering of the Deian human subrace, its possible the arilou are responsible and its a failed project, which would explain their apparent lack of interest in the race despite its human origin.
Physiologically and genetically, Syreen are Human:the only visible differences between the races are that Syreen skin tint is somewhat more bluish.
Humans and Syreen have nearly identical diurnal cycles, exhibiting even further similarity between the two species.Their name is a reference to the Sirens in Greek mythology, whose enchanting song brought sailors dangerously close to nearby cliffs, where they would crash on the rocks and drown. Syreen look like blue-skinned humans with slightly luminescent eyes.Syreen are also more psychically active than humans, and they have even invented Advanced Psi-tek like the psychic amplifier their ships use coerce enemy crew.
Syreen society, like Human society, developed from hunter-gatherer tribes. But unlike Humanity, the Syreen were unplagued by war or other great social upheaval, instead joining together until their whole world was a single, peaceful, agrarian super-community. Also unlike Humanity, Syreen society and Syreen military roles were dominated by the females of the species.
The Syreen evolved on the lush world of Syra, which was Earth's near twin, though warmer and somewhat more hospitable. It hosted a peaceful utopia in harmony with nature from agrarian tribes to the first steps of interstellar exploration.
Syreen Racial Traits

Wound Die Type 1d8 Racial Chakra Mod +2(3)

Medium Sized Base speed 30 feet.

Medical Classification - Type I Palman Descendant

Charisma +2

Intelligence +2

Wisdom + 2

Strength -2

Natural Force Sensitive II

When the Syreen take Force Sensitive they roll Improved Roll instead of the standard roll.

Psi-rating roll 1d4+2 for Syreen

Psi-Tek Masters -

Syreen who have a Technical class (Scientist,Tech,scavenger) or Psionic class(Force Adept,Esper,Jedi, Telepath) gain +1 Racial Chakra mod (backtracks)


Members of this race add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the Genjutsu school. In addition, members of this race with a Wisdom score of 15 or higher gain the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the user's character level): 1/day—charm person for 8 chakra.

Psionic Amplifiers can reduce the CP cost of this ability.

Psionic Life Sense (Su)

All syreen gains blindsight to a range of Constitution Modifier x 10 ft. for a number of rounds per day equal to his character level, but it detects only living creatures who are Sentient. Constructs cannot be seen with this ability unless they are psionic. These rounds need not be consecutive

DM-RP: 15

Attributes: Enhanced Control +1 RP

Ability Scores: Enhanced Mental +4 RP

Psi-Tek Masters: +1 RP

Natural Force Sensitive II +5 RP

Seducer +2 RP

Psionic Life-sense: 2 RP