
[Genetically modified Humans from Farscape]

Species overview

Sebaceans are a genetically modified group of humans native to the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy. The best known of this race are the militaristic faction called Peacekeepers.
The Sebacean Race Encompasses Many different planets and cultures, Though not all Sebaceans are peacekeepers, the most widely traveled members of the race are, so the Peacekeeper reputation is usually applied to the entire race, humans are also affected by the reputation of their offshoot brothers unfortunately, some Palmans are spared this if they possess a hair or eye color beyond the Sebacean spectrum. 
One major element that effected the species after leaving Earth was that the new world the Sebaceans  settled on was a cooler class M world plagued with the occasional intense heat storm -- Deadly phenomena that would exterminate all life in their wake. Those Sebaceans who survived this phenomena eventually evolved an enhanced sensitivity that allowed them to detect a heat storm building, giving them more time to flee the area or seek shelter.


Their history begins roughly twenty seven thousand years ago, when a race called the Eidolons were trying to bring peace and order to the universe. However they were often met with aggression and violence but being peaceful they were unable to defend themselves. So they travelled to the edge of the galaxy and discovered a Palman colony on Earth and found them to be extremely adaptable. This race's unusual genetic configuration hinted at a distant origin, the entire colony world had genetic material that did not correspond with the rest of the life in the general starcluster. Having made their choice, the Eidolons made alterations to the DNA of those they took back with them and created the Sebaceans, Eidolons never did figure out the origin of their new client species. From their actions alongside the Eidelons, they earned the name Peacekeepers. 
Several thousand years ago, the Eidelons disappeared and soon, without the guidance of the Eidelons, the Peacekeepers took to keeping the peace the only way they knew how - at the muzzle of a weapon. 
Though most species consider Peacekeepers without conscience. Sebaceans who are not peacekeepers have more traditional ideals and philosophies. As a people Sebaceans are confident, curious, outgoing, independent and proud. they also have Numerous offshoot races caused from their expansionism, some are cold and cruel while others demonstrate compassion and tolerance.
Dezorians and Sebaceans usually bond well together due to their shared health issues regarding temperature and they will always stop to help one another regarding this shared problem.


Though externally identical to humans, Sebaceans differ from them in various ways: for instance, above a certain temperature (40 or 55°C), they have an extreme intolerance for heat that sends them into a permanently vegetative state. 
While humans cannot stand as much cold as Sebaceans can, alternatively, humans can withstand much more heat than Sebaceans
Sebaceans are capable of interbreeding with other races such as Luxans and Scarrans. However, the practice is normally frowned upon due to a doctrine of racial purity, especially among the Peacekeepers. Few Hybrids ever make it to adulthood due to death at Peacekeeper hands or conflicting aspects of their dual parentage. Despite regular checks, it is noted by the Peacekeepers that the number of Hybrids being born is on the increase.  Another feature is the ability to "pause" pregnancy for up to seven years (only Command Carrier-born Peacekeeper females are able to do this)
Wound Die Type 1d10                               Racial Chakra Modifiers -1
Flexible: +2 to Any two Ability ScoresMinor Flexible +1 to any ability score not boosted by the previous bonus.    Bonus Feat
Medical Classification: Group I 
Medium Sized                                          Base speed 30 feet.
A Sebacean Character of any class may be a current or former member of the Peacekeeper Forces (see Peacekeeper Trait)
Skilled: Sebaceans gain +4 Skillpoints at Level 1 and +1 per level after.

Keeping the Peace

+1 racial bonus on will saves.This bonus increases by +1 per 10 levels.

Sebaceans are known for their courage, doing whatever needs to be done to keep the peace.

Chakan Synthesizer

+3 racial bonus on Craft(chemical) checks involving the creation of Chakan Oil.

This bonus increases by +1 per 10 levels.

While Chakan oil is easy to refine, 

Sebaceans of all ages are trained in its creation and are much more proficient at it then other races due to their militaristic society.

Combat Hardened

When making an attack or skill check a Sebacean may expend 3 Control to gain a +2 modifier. This bonus increases by +1 per 10 levels.This represents the Sebacean's ability to focus under stress.

Heat Delirium

Heat sensitive races require to succeed a Fortitude save DC 15  on a daily basis of suffer 1d6 Constitution damage on temperatures greater than 40°C. Spending at least 4 hours a day in an environment at 30°C or lower temperature can heal the constitution damage suffered from exposure however.

When subjected to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius a sensitive race suffers 1 point of subdual damage per turn, this subdual damage does not heal until the temperature drops to 30 degrees or below. once the subdual damage has rendered the character unconscious, he takes 3 wounds of damage per turn until he dies or the temperature drops to 30 degrees Celsius or below.


Sebacean's are so in tune with their environment they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. They can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. This prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast.

DM-RP: 15

Keeping the Peace 1 RP

Flexible bonus feat 4 RP      

Skilled 4 RP

Stormworlder [weather savvy] 1 RP

Craftsman - Chakan oil 1 RP

Ability Scores: Flexibility 2 RP

Minor flexible ability score bonus +2 RP   

Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RP

Combat Hardened 5 RP <linked> Heat Delirium - 4 RP