

A nocturnal race, the Remans shun light, and are characterized by their imposing heights, grey skin, large ears, keen eyesight in the dark, and the possession of telepathic abilities. As of the early 20th Century, it was commonly believed by the people of the Palman Imperium that the Remans were a mutated offshoot of the Romulans.


It was known that similar to the Romulans, the Remans possessed the Vulcan genes for telepathy within their DNA. Unlike their Romulan brothers, however, the Remans have demonstrated telepathic abilities which can dull the sense of pain among those suffering from disease and allows them to invade the minds of others.

It was learned that the Romulan followers of Surak, who possessed the telepathic abilities among their kind, were banished to Remus while the others were killed on the journey across space. It was later seen how the Vulcans who settled on Remus fared: After one Vulcan, Refas, blundered out onto the ice of the planet's surface in what appeared to be a suicide attempt, he encountered a colony of extremophiles who thrived there. They revived Refas, and began to alter him to more effectively live on Remus (he was able to survive more comfortably in the freezing environment). Healer T'Olryn adapted the extremophiles to work on any Vulcan, and soon an entire colony was being slowly mutated. They developed the hairless, pale skin, sunken eyes, and powerful telepathic abilities that later Remans are seen to possess.

Some Remans also manifested limited telekinetic powers.

Reman Racial Traits:

Wound Die Type: 1d12 Racial Chakra Modifier +0

+2 to Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution.

-4 Charisma

Elemental Resistance [Arctic package] +2 Water | +2 Wind

Size: Medium Base Speed: 30 feet

Telepathic Race: Psi Rating Roll 1d5+1 instead of normal 3d3-3

Medical Classification: Group III-a - Vulcanoid (copper-blood-Green)

Telekinetic Chance:

When making a Reman Roll percentile die: 61 or higher you are telekinetic.

When making a Half-Reman Roll Percentile die: 81 or higher you are Telekinetic.

Nocturnal Race:

Darkvision 60 Feet

Members of this race can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Light Blindness

Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds members of this race for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

Biological Flexibility:

Though it hasn’t been fully examined scientifically, it appears that the Romulans and their reman offshoot race share key biological features with several races, including the Klingons and humans. Remans can interbreed with several races and can receive blood transfusions, as well as other sort of medical treatment (conceivably) such as organ transplants. This sort of treatment does not work with Vulcan biology, however. If such a situation arises, GM consultation is recommended.

Forsaken: yes - Nosferatu and Eletum Clan Only.


Ability Scores: Weakness -1 RP (+2 to Strength, +2 Intelligence, -4 to Charisma)

Advanced Constitution +2 Con +4RP

Advanced Dexterity +2 dex +4RP

Natural Force Sensitive +4 RP

Cold Resistant: Minor (2 RP) Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus to resist incoming Wind and Water Chakra Damage.

Racial Power: TK chance: +1 RP

Attribute Modifiers:Highly Spiritual +1 Chakra per level RP:1

Darkvision 60 Feet (2 RP) <Linked> Light Blindness (–2 RP)