
“A Nietzschean never beats himself up - we're self-absorbed, not masochistic.” Telemachus Rhade, Nietzschean, First Officer of the Andromeda Ascendant

Physical Characteristics

Besides being distinguished by bone blades protruding outwards from the wrist area Nietzscheans are bigger, faster and stronger than normal Humans. They are immune to most poisons and diseases. They can eat a much wider variety of foods, survive in harsher environments, and pride themselves on thriving where normal humans wouldn't dare to tread.

Reproductive Method

Nietzscheans most commonly practice a modified pair bonding form of reproduction which various males compete to win the favor of reproductive-age females, who choose their consorts on the basis of genetic fitness more than emotional compatibility. It is not uncommon for a high status male to have more than one female consort.


The Nietzschean subspecies originated at Ayn Rand Station, a colony founded by Human geneticist Paul Museveni. Since then, Nietzscheans have spread throughout known space, reproducing rapidly until they now constitute 8 percent of the overall Human population.

Social Characteristics

The Human philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that strife and conflict would inevitably reshape men into something better and stronger than what they once were. As a Human subspecies, Nietzscheans took his words to heart and used genetic engineering and nanotechnology to reshape themselves into the ultimate survivors.

Nietzscheans have built their culture on the twin pillars of social Darwinism and Dawkinite genetic competitiveness. Their single-minded devotion to self-improvement and the propagation of their own genes can strike other species (even their non-Nietzschean Human cousins) as selfish and arrogant, yet in practice the Nietzscheans' boundless energy and willpower have made them a mighty force in any faction they find themselves in

Wound Die Type 1d10 Control Point mod +0

Medium Sized Base speed 30 feet.

Medical Classification - I - Palman Descendant

+2 Strength

+2 Dexterity

+2 Constitution

+4 Intelligence

-2 Wisdom

Nietzscheans are physically superior to humans, but let their pride cloud their judgement and view other races as inferior.

Human Origin

Gain +4 Skillpoints at Level 1.

Gain 1 Feat at First level.

Nano-Augmented Genetically Enhanced Immune System.

Nietzscheans Gain +2 to all normal Diseases and Poisons native to the Human Homeworld of earth and gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves made to resist disease or poison of other sources, Nano-enhanced Diseases and effects can bypass this resistance, These nanites are not advanced enough to resist Assimilation effects, they also provide no Resistance to silicon based viruses. This bonus scales and increases by +2 | +1 per 10 levels.

Bone blades:

Their distinctive bone blades are a natural outgrowth, and are fully developed by mid-puberty. The bone blades can be either perpendicular to a forearm or can lay on a forearm with blade tips pointed toward the arm elbow and are controlled by a voluntary muscle on each forearm that attaches to the bone blades. The bone blades are made of a bone-like substance, and can be used as a natural weapon. In personal combat the blades are perpendicular to the forearm to stab an opponent. The removal of the bone blades without anesthetic can cause a Nietzschean great physical pain, but the blades will eventually grow back.


Attribute: 0 RP

Ability Scores: Advanced 4 RP

Human Origin 6 RP

Bone Blades (as per claws) 2 RP

Nano-augmented Immune System: 3 RP