
[Animalistic Humanoids from Phantasy star I,II,III,IV story Arc]

"The indigenous race of Motavia. Even today they live only in their own villages, apart from the rest of the Imperium. Their villages are scattered all over Motavia, so they of course have no centralized system of government.

They have created a society that highly values an individual's independence, not because of any natural disposition toward tolerance, but because of a fiercely strong sense of family.

Now, the Motavians excavate artifacts from the ancient, more technologically advanced Palman culture and either sell them back to the Palmans or use them themselves. They don't always understand all of them, though."

Palman Virtual Intelligence

Motavians are animalistic humanoids native to Motavia. Their small ears on the top of their heads are very sensitive to sound, so is the sensitive nose on their snub snouts. Their fierce, yet noble eyes are wide and black in color, but their ruby-colored eyelids make them look like they have red eyes. and their built bodies are completely covered in blue fur, The fur that grows on their head can be styled much like human hair. Their muzzle, which appears beak-like, is stumpy and is one of the few areas on their bodies that is furless. '
The sexual dimorphism seen between the two genders is subtle, yet more profound on their faces. Males generally have larger heads, longer ears, rounded eyes, and a flat muzzle. In contrast, women are depicted with smaller faces, eyes that curve upward toward the edges, short ears that flare out, and a beak-like mouth. Both genders have stocky builds.
Motavians are noble and sincere by nature, yet they can't stand dishonorable behavior, this applies specially with dezorians, seen by motavians as “crooked scum”. Not a warrior race, but great fighters when needed.
Motavians dress in plain, practical clothes, disdaining jewelry and other unnecessary accessories. Motavian clothing consists of robes that come in various colors ranging from forest green, to a simple brown, and even festive colors such as yellows and reds. Since they usually reside near deserts, their gowns come equipped with a hood and sometimes a mouth guard or scarf. They wear heavy duty boots that allow them to traverse easily through harsh environments. Their thick clothing can also serve as protection when they rummage through garbage dumps for precious junk. Motavians are open-minded, taking with relative calm their slow displacement by palmans over two thousand years ago. However, upon the destruction of the Motherbrain and Motavia's slow return to the desertic state it once had, motavians flourished and prospered once more. Motavians live in small settlements all around the surface of Motavia, far away from palman government's territory and commodities, where they can live a simpler, slower-paced life.
Motavians worship no specific deity, but revere age and wisdom and several legends make their way along the course of generations by word of mouth.

Motavian Example Names: Gryz, Pana, Dorin, Qaal, Krel, Mena

Wound Die Type: d12

Racial Control modifier -1

Medical Classification: Group II - Humanoid

Size: Medium.

Base Speed: 30 FT

Attribute Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 to Constitution.

Endurance Feat for free.

Heightened Senses: +2 to Perception Checks

Natural Armor: DR 1/-

Motavian's thick fur coat protects them from a small amount of damage.

Gene Lock Access

Motavians are beings created by the great light and so they possess the gene allowing them to access Palman technology.

Known by the humans of Earth by the ATA [Ancient Technology Activation] Gene.


Motavians posses the Scent special ability.

Crafting/Mining: Obsidian

Motavians gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving Obsidian items.Motavians have a long history of forging Obsidian arms and armor and are skilled in working it. They also receive this bonus to mining Obsidian.

Blue is Invisible~

Most animals and monsters are fully colorblind in the Algo System, being only able to tell intensity in tones (ie grayshades). The fact that Motavian fur is a vivid blue; it shares a similar color intensity with most Plant life, those creatures that are capable of seeing color tend to be blue/green colorblind.
Motavians gain a +6 racial modifier on Stealth checks against monsters native to Algo (including bio-monsters unless specified otherwise) while surrounded by vegetation

DM-RP: 15

Attributes: NormalScent +4 RPEndurance Feat 2 RPAbility Scores: Flexible +2 RPBlue is Invisible~ +2 RPEnhanced Perception +1 RPFur Damage Reduction: 2 RP Obsidian-crafting 2 RP
Forsaken: No, their Ancient Pact with the Great Light Prevents this from occurring.