
The Mycon (pronounced /maɪ'kɒn/) are a race of creatures that nest near the Brahe and Scorpii constellations. While most sentient races (with notable exceptions) are taxonomically animals, the Mycon and their Mol'Mycon descendants are fungi.

Conversations with the Mycon are very difficult as the Mycon constantly ramble about Juffo-Wup, the Non and the Void with vaguely religious overtones and often without any relevance to the current conversation. Even worse, they sometimes seem to be "possessed" by one of their ancestors, who quickly explains how and when it died. Normal Mycon are usually very hostile toward other species even Allies, a trait that the Mol'Mycon race seems to have lost. The Syreen Talana describes the Mycon as being naive and unable to fully comprehend the concept of deception, a view supported by the easiness with which the Mycon fell for the ambush at Organon.


Their unique reproduction process and extremely high genetic complexity give the Mycon an amazing talent for genetic engineering, a talent for which they are widely known. Mycon usually reproduce asexually by budding off parts of themselves in the form of DNA-rich spores, which they then launch into the air. Normally a spore will land and develop into a near perfect clone of the parent. The spores can also be inhaled by other Mycon as a mechanism to exchange genetic material. The Mycon intimate that this process is much more complex and allows them to selectively transfer genes, memories and even personality fragments via the genetic material to their offspring. Occasionally these ancestral personality fragments can "gain dominance" in the Mycon offspring, creating "a kind of shared immortality." This advanced genetic ability seems to be confirmed by the Umgah, who state that the Mycon "just THINK genetic modification, and it happen!" High levels of radiation can also induce collective budding, immediately creating several Mycon clones.

The Mycon colonize worlds through aggressive terraforming. They launch their Deep Children into the crust of the planet's surface where its tendrils grow, molding the environment of the planet to the Mycon's liking with terrible tectonic movement and volcanic activity — it becomes a Shattered World. Mycon prefer warm, living Water Worlds in which to plant these seeds. The current Theory on the Mol'Mycon subrace is that a Deep Child revolted against its parents and combined its genetic material with humans living in a small bardic community, granting them all the memories and some of the abilities of the deep child.

Mycon Name Examples: Dugee, Gussh, Shloosh

Mol'Mycon Racial Traits

Wound Die Type - 1d10 Racial Control Modifier +2

Medical Classification: Group VII - Humanoid Plant

+2 Constitution and +2 Intelligence

Mol'Mycon are very Intelligent and hardy compared to the galactic Average.

All Mol'Mycon are of Medium size.

Mol'Mycon have a base speed of 30 feet.

Rooting (Ex):

At 10th level, as a move action, you can extend roots into the ground. Your speed is reduced to 5 feet, but you gain a +4 bonus to armor damage reduction and a +10 bonus to CMD against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip maneuvers. You also gain tremorsense 30 feet and fast healing 1. You can use this power for a number of minutes per day equal to your level. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

Disrupt Nutrient Flow:

A Mol'Mycon can disrupt the flow of nutrients to one limb once per day, causing that limb to shrink and thereby gaining a +10 species bonus on the next Escape Artist check, or check to resist a grapple. The limb will be useless until it is healed. After the Escape Artist/grapple check is made, each depleted arm acts as 10 points of Dexterity damage; each depleted leg acts as 15 points of Dexterity damage. Thus, they are healed as per ability damage.

Plant Based Biology: Poison

Mol'Mycon gain +10 against poisons that normal affect animal based species affecting their race and +2 vs poisons targeting plant based biologies.

Plant Based Biology: Sleep

Mol'Mycon may breathe and eat, but do not sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from this activity. This means that a plant creature can sleep in order to regain chakra and health loss, but sleep is not required to survive or stay in good sanity.

Bardic Fungus: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perform checks.

Mol'Mycon express themselves well, with changing patterns of color on their skin as well as odors from their scent glands.

DM-RP: 15

Ability Scores; Flexible +2 RP Attributes: High Control +2 RP Diplomacy & Perform: +3 RP

Rooting 2 RP <linked> Plant Based Biology: Sleep 2 RP <linked> Plant Based Biology: Poison 2 RP <linked> Disrupt Nutrient Flow 2 RP