
  • Wound Die Type 1d10

  • Racial Control Modifier +0

  • Medium Sized

  • +2 Intelligence

  • +2 Dexterity

  • +1 to attribute other then Int/Dex


  • Land Speed: 0 Feet
    Swim Speed: 60 Feet

Human Form

  • Land Speed: 30 Feet

  • Swim Speed: 30 Feet

+2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving Orichalcum and Coral items.

Merfolk have a long history of forging Orichalcum and Coral arms and armor and are skilled in working it, they also receive a bonus to mining/Harvesting bonus to it.

Merfolk are the remnants of a race of surface-dwelling humanoids whose homeland was drowned in a great cataclysm..

Three slim gills mark each side of their necks, near the shoulder, but they are otherwise close enough in appearance to humans that they can pass as such (for a time) without fear of detection, Occasionally they may have pointed ears or purple eyes, traits inherited from whatever caused the change in their race to adapt to sea life, some suspect they might have been saved some entity or race.

Shattered Culture:

Long ago the Lantean Culture was shattered when the Gods/Aliens/Demons caused the Disaster that changed everything, Each of the three sub races have varying stories and opinions on the 'saviors' of the other factions.

The Merfolk tell the story above how they fled into the ocean at the sight of the creatures floating above the city... but deep underneath the oceans the Great water dragon shalassa waited for them, whisking them off to the great oceans of Palma to live among her Naga servants.

The Kaern tell the story about how dark shadowy stairs appeared in the ground all around the city, these "Paths of Shadow" were a form of dimensional portal utilized by Malassa who whisked them off into the Underdistrict of Kyourin to live among her Dark elf servants.

The Lanteans have the most bizarre story, they were the ones who stood their ground, the great solders and priests of atlantis, preparing to fight the coming darkness only to be stolen in a bright beam of light by a great yellow 'whale', when they awoken they were on another place all together floating amonst the shattered remains of old palma where only the Air castle remains standing, now home to these great winged beings, Angels of light hovered in front of them, and while the lanteans would attempt to refer to them as their gods, only to be told otherwise, and to this day all lanteans know of the word 'vorlon'.

Lantean and Kaern Player characters as a result of this will constantly bicker and argue about cultural and religious differences with Merfolk

Because of this, All three races suffer a –2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when relating directly to each other.

Medical Classification: Group IV-d (aquatics)

Amphibious (Ex):

Merfolk can breathe water or air equally well, without limitation.

Water Child:

Merfolk have a +4 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. They can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. Merfolk can use the run action while swimming, provided they swim in a straight line.

Water Mastery:

The magical ties that connect the Merfolk to Atlantis persist, untold ages since the sea goddess saves the atlanteans from extinction. As a result Merfolk can learn Ninjutsu spells 1 rank higher then their character level eg: a level one merfolk can learn rank 2 spells instead of just rank 1. When in Merfolk State Water spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Water Dependent:

A Merfolk's body requires constant submersion in fresh or salt water. Merfolk who spend more than X hours/days without fully submerging themselves in water risk internal organ failure, painful cracking of the skin, and death within 4d6 hours.(X being the Merfolk's Con modifier, the higher the constitution the longer they can stay without submersion)

Natural Transformation:

Merfolk can swap between nearly human(picture left) and merfolk form which has the tail similar to a fish or other aquatic lifeform, this swap can only take place in water, they cannot use this transformation on land, they also cannot use other transformation powers to revert back to mermaid/man form, outside forces cannot force this transformation on land, with the exception of the water dragon Shalassa.

The following changes take place between the forms:

Water Dependent Duration changes from Hours to Days when in Land form.

Land speed drops to Zero in 'fish form' Swim Speed is Doubled.

DM-RP: 15

  • Attributes: Flexible +2 RP

  • Slightly Enhanced Attribute +2 RP

  • Shattered Culture: -1 RP

  • Orichalcum and Coral-Crafting +4 RP

  • Amphibious (2 RP)

  • Water Child (4 RP)

  • Water Mastery: +2 RP

  • Water Dependent: -4 RP

  • Natural Transformation: 4 RP