
As an atlantean, you're exotic both physically and culturally. You're able to traverse the boundary between the worlds of sea and air - a boundary that most find impassible. You're from a culture with a rich, tragic history that few human nations can match. You carry the weight of your people's honor and heritage on your shoulders, a mixture of pride and sorrow not unlike that of a samurai after Japan's feudal age drew to a close.While three-fourths of the original atlanteans fled to the sea, eventually becoming the merfolk and Kaern of today, your people used your great knowledge to ascend into the heavens. Atlanteans are also a very proud people, sometimes to the extent of being considered prickly about things such as their honor. They are not quick to take insult, but they are very particular about their own honorable behavior. They expect less out of other races, though are pleasantly surprised when one of the land folk matches their standards for honor, courtesy, and duty.Atlantean culture is very tradition-bound and ordered. This sense of tradition is expressed among the atlanteans as the Twelve Virtues: honor, loyalty, bravery, piety, civility, strength, perseverance, dedication, humility, obligation (specifically to the family), respect, and peacefulness. Of course, these are ideals to which individual atlanteans strive, but the assumption of these virtues as being the norm colors everyday atlantean life.

Atlanteans are little different from humans in appearance.

They usually stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet in height and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Men are noticeably taller and heavier than women. Atlantean coloration tends toward very pale, almost bluish skin to a lighter tan pigmentation (though one anomaly is known of), with blue and green eye and hair that ranges between a light brown to a very pale blonde.

Atlantean dress is very plain and sparse with most wearing just enought to maintain their modesty (and some less than that).They are fond of pearls and soft metals that can be worked without heat, such as gold. Atlanteans, like humans, reach adulthood at about age 15 and rarely live more than a century.

Wound Die Type 1d8 Racial Chakra Mod +1(2)

Base speed 30 feet. Medium Sized

Flight speed - 50 feet Maneuverability: Average

Medical Classification: Group IV-e (flyers)

+2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -4 Constitution, +1 to Str or Int or Wis.

Div-Tek Masters - Lanteans who have levels in Scavenger,Technician or Techter gain +1 Racial Control mod (backtracks)

+2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving Orichalcum items.

Lanteans have a long history of forging Orichalcum arms and armor and are skilled in working it, they also receive a bonus to mining bonus to it.

All Lanteans Start with Vorlon Influence Tier 1.

Reiki (HP) Ability

Shattered Culture:

Long ago the Lantean Culture was shattered when the Gods/Aliens/Demons caused the Disaster that changed everything, Each of the three sub races have varying stories and opinions on the 'saviors' of the other factions.

The Merfolk tell the story above how they fled into the ocean at the sight of the creatures floating above the city... but deep underneath the oceans the Great water dragon shalassa waited for them, whisking them off to the great oceans of Palma to live among her Naga servants.

The Kaern tell the story about how dark shadowy stairs appeared in the ground all around the city, these "Paths of Shadow" were a form of dimensional portal utilized by Malassa who whisked them off into the Underdistrict of Kyourin to live among her Dark elf servants.

The Lanteans have the most bizarre story, they were the ones who stood their ground, the great solders and priests of atlantis, preparing to fight the coming darkness only to be stolen in a bright beam of light by a great yellow 'whale', when they awoken they were on another place all together floating amonst the shattered remains of old palma where only the Air castle remains standing, now home to these great winged beings, Angels of light hovered in front of them, and while the lanteans would attempt to refer to them as their gods, only to be told otherwise, and to this day all lanteans know of the word 'vorlon'.

Kaern and Merfolk Player characters as a result of this will constantly bicker and argue about cultural and religious differences with Lanteans

Because of this, All three races suffer a –2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when relating directly to each other.

DM-RP: 15

Attributes: Weakness -1 RP

+1 Any attribute +2 RP

Shattered Culture: -1 RP

Orichalcum-Crafting- 2RP

Flight III: 50 feet Average: 8 RP

Div-Tek Masters: +1 RP

Reiki (Lay on hands): +2 RP

Vorlon Influence Tier 1: +2 RP