
[Reptilian Humanoids from Phantasy star I,II,III,IV story Arc]

A Dezorian, also known as Dezolisian or Dezolian, is a race of creatures native to the planet Dezoris. the third planet of the Algo Star System. They are tall and have no body hair, and their average lifespan is 140-160 years. They are a conservative race with an easygoing disposition. Around the AW 2000's, their society became centered around the religion founded on the Faith of the Eclipse Torch; the religion's main temple is the Great Gumbious Temple." The Faith of the Eclipse Torch, is one of the oldest surviving religions of the multiverse.Palman Virtual Intelligence


Dezorians are a race of reptilian humanoids native to the planet Dezoris. Dezorians are famous for their characteristic green skin. All Dezorians are devoid of body hair, which is unusual for a race that is indigenous to the harsh cold landscape of a Class P world. In order to combat the elements, these people usually dress in heavy robes and snow caps. They are a very tall, skinny people that have the potential to live upwards of 140 to 160 years of life. Their physiques are slender and their faces, while having a slight human resemblance in their expression, lacks of ears and nose, having only two thin slots for nostrils. All Dezorians as a race have scarlet eyes which briefly glow yellow during the use of their special power Ataraxia.

The differences between the genders is subtle. Generally speaking, males tend to be slightly bulkier with blockier faces. Their features tend to have more wrinkles than their female counterparts. Women have a softer, rounder face with more delicate features. The main difference in clothing seems to be that men usually wear taller hats.


Being born to an inhospitable environment, Dezorians are a race accustomed to hardship and effort. Dezorians value hard work and, while they still have festivities, social activities, and so, they look with disdain any individual who doesn't work as hard as they themselves. This combined with their natural pride causes them troubles frequently when dealing with other races.

With the passage of time, dezorian palmans lost contact with dezorians, but every now and then a dezorian can be seen on Motavia, usually doing businesses on government cities, an enterprise that is usually more than successful counting the dezorians' natural wit and cunning for business (which by the way has earned them in Motavia a world-wide fame as crooked men). Dezorians dress in practical, yet somehow stylish clothes, always covering their heads with elongated hats. Dezorians also favor jewelry, specially on their hats, specially adorned hats denoting a higher social status.

Dezorians revere cosmic or otherwise planetary events, like the eclipse, the tides, or the moon cycles.

When found on Motavia or New Parma, dezorians are always looking for profit, and will readily embark on any enterprise or adventure if it looks profitable.

Dezorians and Sebaceans races usually bond well together due to their shared health issues regarding temperature and they will always stop to help one another regarding this shared problem.

Dezorian Example Names: A'Jole, D'zkot, A'Jemm, C'kren , Raja

Wound Die Type: 1d10

Chakra Modifier: +2

Medical Classification: Group V-a - Warm-blooded Reptilian

Size: Medium.

Base Speed: 30 Feet

Fast Healing [1]

Attribute Modifiers:

+2 to Intelligence, +2 to Charisma.

-2 to Strength.

Cold Resistance:

All dezorians possess wind and Water resistance 4.

Heat Delirium

Heat sensitive races require to succeed a Fortitude save DC 15 on a daily basis of suffer 1d6 Constitution damage on temperatures greater than 40°C. Spending at least 4 hours a day in an environment at 30°C or lower temperature can heal the constitution damage suffered from exposure however.

When subjected to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius a sensitive race suffers 1 point of subdual damage per turn, this subdual damage does not heal until the temperature drops to 30 degrees or below. once the subdual damage has rendered the character unconscious, he takes 3 wounds of damage per turn until he dies or the temperature drops to 30 degrees Celsius or below.

Gene Lock Access

Dezolians are beings created by the great light and so they possess the gene allowing them to access Palman technology.

Known by the humans of earth by the ATA [Ancient Technology Activation] Gene.

Thermal Vision:

Dezorians have a limited ability to sense the heat in living things(they see all living creatures with slight hints of red light in their bodies).Reduce blindness penalties by half while in darkness.

+4 racial modifier on the Perception skill when applied to looking for living beings.

+2 racial modifier on the Appraise skill

Hot Blooded:

Dezorians are naturally hot blooded and take twice as long to succumb to the effects of hypothermia from being in a cold environment.


Ataraxia is one of the only ways to recover CP, other than resting.Ataraxia recovers about 25% of the total CP to the user and all allies within Aura range.Can be activated once per day.
Dezorians gain an additional One Use per day at level 21 and their third Use per day at level 35.Channeling Stun chart: level 10 - Self only without penaltyStunned for 1 round per ally in range.May support one ally without penalty per 10 levels.
Ex 1 at 20 without stun, 2 at 30, 3 at 40 and 4 allies at level 50 without stun, this ability can affect up to 20 people maximum. (One entire Warband)

DM-RP: 15

Attributes: Highly Spiritual +2 RP

Ability Scores: Standard 0 RP

Cold Resistance: 4 RP

Heat Intolerance: -4 RP

Hot-Blooded: 1 RP

Fast Healing 1 : 6 RP

Thermal Vision: 2 RP

Ataraxia: 3 RP

Merchant Bonus +1 RP


No, their Ancient Pact with the Great Light Prevents this from occurring.