Ameoba Gell'Varis

Ruins on the Ameoba homeworld show they were once another race that 'devolved' themselves to avoid destruction, using a modified version of a ancient precursor device. The planet they chose was a swamp world with little stimulus for evolution as it lacked significant plate tectonics, it took a long time for them to redevelop sentience, and the planet left an impact on their physiology; They lost all of their prior Technological knowledge and permanently transformed into protoplasmic life forms.

They can shape-shift slightly, though one would use the term loosely and it is a slow process, often requiring days to a week to complete any major cosmetic adjustments. Their skin and bodies are ridiculously soft, but they can strengthen their inner membranes to near human-like levels of rigidity, even without a skeleton.

Ameoba bodies have their intelligence spread out in a web of fibrous, neuron-like clusters within their body. The distribution of their intelligence and other core functions renders them functionally immune to concerns of called shots and critical hits with melee weapons. Severed 'limbs' can be easily reattached though it is simple enough to regrow new ones, though it will cause a loss of height and mass due to redistributing their gel-like mass to compensate and a reduction in Spiritual energy.

Ameoba are omnivorous, and can ingest any organic material simply by engulfing it into their body. Food is digested in a matter of minutes, a process visible to observers through the Ameoba’s transparent skin. They can choose what they wish to ingest, expelling unsavory materials at will. A Ameoba’s sense of taste and smell is very discerning, and they can often tell one individual from another by its scent, their biology seems to interact with Artificially created sugars used in many terran sweets, creating additional mass, at first it is of little problem as it just gets added to their cup size or to their booty, but eventually many Ameoba get addicted to sugar and need to avoid it actively for fear of putting on large amounts of weight, natural sugars seem not to cause this effect.

All Ameoba face the challenge of trying to behave and interact as if they were humanoid, while having a mindset and biology vastly dissimilar to them.. They exist to emulate what is, to them, the most successful design in creation (bipedal-ism). Consequently, their behavior is highly exaggerated and stereotypical. For example, if a Ameoba discovers that the race they are emulating enjoy a particular food, that Ameoba might eat that food above all else, all the while praising its taste (even if the Ameoba actually dislikes it). For every Ameoba, it is a struggle to understand the ways of the other sentient races.

Rather than a collection of cells like other Humanoids, they are an immense, single cell. Their ‘skin’ is a thick, semipermeable membrane, though with a bit of effort they can permanently reshape it to assume certain appearances. They are always bipedal and humanoid in appearance, owing the notable advantages in bipedal efficiency, having arms, and positioning most sensory inputs at the top of their height. Most have further tweaked their appearance to resemble what many races would view as attractive.

+2 Constitution -2 Intelligence +2 Charisma

Wound Die d6 Chakra Modifier +2

Medical Classification: Group VI-C - Invertebrates

Weakness to Cold Magic

Ameobans coming from the warmer regions of their homeworld have a minor sensitivity to cold magics due to the Mana existing in the area they [re]evolved in.

-2 Water Resistance, -2 Wind Resistance


Ameobans are amphibious and can breathe both air and water.


Ameobans have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants.

Darkvision 60 Feet

Ameobans can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Limited Tremorsense:

Ameobans can sense vibrations in the ground out to 30 feet. It cannot detect stationary objects, but can pinpoint moving objects, when using this in water or swamps its range increases to 60 feet.

Scent Eligible:

Ameobans are eligible to gain the Scent special quality using a feat slot.

Assumed Shape:

After spending time in another race's culture they will slowly shift towards a more similar shape to match the most populace race in the region they are in most Ameoba assume the shape of humans and elves as they enjoy the forms a lot, while they gain the appearance of that race they don't gain any special qualities.

Can assume shape of the most populace race in the region, Doubling charisma bonuses when dealing with that specific race,

Universal Appeal (Ex):

Ameoba do not suffer any penalty to Charisma when interacting with creatures of a different species. Thanks to the fact that all races find them fun to play with.

Immune to Physical Critical Damage:

Their unique biology prevents them from taking critical hits from Physical sources - Piercings, slashing and Bludgeoning, Energy weapons and Techniques however are a different matter. They can also reattach lost limbs within 1d4 rounds of detachment with no serious issues, regrowing or reattaching a limb costs 80 or 40 control respectively. For each +1 modifier to constitution decrease cost by 10 to a minimum of 20/10 respectively.

Masters of Illusion:

Ameobans can learn Manipulative Arts one level higher then their character level.

Goo Like Strain:

To make an Ameoba with more Goo like traits, see Ameoba Goo'Varen instead.

DM-RP: 15

HP/Chakra - Balance 0 RP

Attributes: Standard - 0 RP [two positives, one negative. Value of 2]

Weakness to Cold Magic -2 RP

Darkvision 60 Feet (2 RP)

Master of Illusion: 1 RP

(all of the attributes are linked together, stemming from Gel Biology:)

Assumed Shape +1 RP <Linked> Universal Appeal +2 RP <linked> Gel-biology: 5 RP <linked> Swim (2 RP) <Linked> Amphibious (2 RP) <linked> Tremorsense (2 RP)