
Racial Attributes

  • Wound Points 1d12

  • Control Modifier -1

  • +4 Strength

  • -2 Dexterity

  • -2 Wisdom

  • -2 Charisma

Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30ft
Medical Class:
Group IV-c (Omnivores)

DM-RP: 12

Attribute Range:Normal 0 RP

Ability Scores: Paragon +1 RP

Climbing claws +2 RP

Skill Bonus Intimidate: 4 RP

Rage: 4 RP

Quick Recovery: 1 RP


Known for their battle skills, Wookiees are long-lived and very strong, with an aptitude for mechanical endeavors. They may appear to be primitive, but they are quite adept with high technology. While Wookiees have a reputation for hostility (such as pulling the arms off droids), they also possess a great capacity for kindness. They make loyal friends. Wookiees have a great many customs and traditions that revolve around honor and loyalty, including the special bond of friendship called the honor family, and the sacred pledge of honor called the life debt. Though arboreal, a Wookiee never uses its climbing claws in combat. Doing this is considered dishonorable and a sign of madness.

Climbing Claws
Wookiees have claws that allow them to climb particularly well. These claws provide have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.

Their reputation makes intimidation the Wookiees’ primary form of diplomacy. Wookiees receive a +4 species bonus on Intimidate checks.

Wookiee Rage
When necessary, the Wookiee can fly into a frenzy. In a rage, a Wookiee gains phenomenal strength (even for a Wookiee) and durability, but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily gains +4 Strength, +2 vitality points per level, and a +2 rage bonus on Fortitude and Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to Defense.

While raging, a Wookiee cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as Move Silently, Combat Expertise, or any psionic or Chakra-based skill. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the character’s Constitution modifier. At the end of this duration, the Wookiee loses the bonus vitality points gained from the rage and is fatigued (-2 penalty to effective Strength and Dexterity, can’t run or charge) for a number of rounds equal to the rage’s duration. A Wookiee cannot enter a rage while fatigued.

Extraordinary Recuperation
A Wookiee regains hit-points and Attribute damage from resting at twice the normal rate.

Benefit: You recover 2 hit points per character level per rest period (8 hours of sleep). If you undergo complete bed rest (doing nothing for the entire day), you recover 4 hit points per character level per day. Ability damage returns at 2 points for resting 8 hours, or 4 points per day with complete bed rest.

Normal: Normal natural healing is 1 hit point per character level for 8 hours rest, or 2 hit points per character level per day for complete bed rest. Ability damage returns at 1 point for 8 hours rest, or 2 points per day with complete bed rest.