
Racial Attributes

  • Wound Points 1d12

  • Control Modifier +0

  • +2 any two: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

  • -2 Wisdom

Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30ft
Medical Class: Group III-x
: (Dextro-Protein)


Military service is a part of Turian culture and every Turian learns to work as part of a unit. Any aid another action taken by a Turian provides an additional +3 bonus.


Turians gain a +2 bonus in Knowledge (tactics).

Radiation Resistance:

Turians gain +4 species bonus to Constitution Saves versus Radiation.

Flexible feat:

Turians gain +1 feat slot at first level.

Since the Unification War, turians normally wear elaborate tattoos marking their colony of origin, though it is not known which markings distinguish which colony or if color has any meaning. These markings are usually white — particularly on turians with darker carapaces — but can be of other colors such as blue for Garrus Vakarian or red for Nyreen Kandros. The lack of facial markings is looked down upon in turian society; the turian term "barefaced" refers to one who is beguiling or not to be trusted. It is also a slang term for politicians.C-Sec Turians are noted for their strong sense of public service. It is rare to find one who puts his needs ahead of the group. Every citizen from age 15 to 30 serves the state in some capacity, as anything from a soldier to an administrator, from a construction engineer to a sanitation worker. Turians have a strong inclination toward public service and self-sacrifice, so they tend to be poor entrepreneurs. To compensate, they accepted the mercantile volus as a client race, offering protection in exchange for their fiscal expertise.Turian society is highly regimented and very organized, and the species is known for its strict discipline and work ethic. Turians are willing to do what needs to be done, and they always follow through. They are not easily spurred to violence, but when conflict is inevitable, they only understand a concept of "total war." They do not believe in skirmishes or small-scale battles; they use massive fleets and numbers to defeat an adversary so completely that they remove any threat of having to fight the same opponent more than once. They do not exterminate their enemy, but so completely devastate their military that the enemy has no choice but to become a colony of the turians. It is theorized that another conflict between the rapidly advancing humans and the turians could annihilate a large portion of known space.The turian military is the center of their society. It is not just an armed force; it is an all-encompassing public works organization. The military police are also the civic police. The fire brigades serve the civilian population as well as military facilities. The corps of engineers builds and maintains spaceports, schools, water purification plants, and power stations. The merchant marine ensures that all worlds get needed resources.Other species see turians as "men of action," and they are generally regarded as the most progressive of the Citadel races (though some species believe humans are rivalling this position). Since their culture is based on the structure of a military hierarchy, changes and advances accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by the rest of society with minimal resistance.While turians are individuals with personal desires, their instinct is to equate the self with the group, and to set aside all personal desires for the good of all. Turians are taught to have a strong sense of personal accountability, the 'turian honor' that other races find so remarkable. Turians are taught to own every decision they make, good or ill. The worst sin they can make in the eyes of their people is to lie about their own actions. Turians who murder will try to get away with it, but if directly questioned, most will confess the crime.Personality: Turians are taught to have a strong sense of personal accountability, the "turian honor" that other races find remarkable.Physical Description: Tall and of an avian build, they evolved skin armor to protect them from the radiation of their homeworld. It is common for Turians to wear the facial markings of their home colony.

Homeworld: Palaven

Languages: Turians speak, read, and write Turian and Common

Example Names: Garrus Vakarian, Nihlus Kryik, Saren Arterius, Chellick, Septimus.

Adventurers: Turians adventure to improve their skills so they can move up in their hierarchal society and to protect others.


Must use specialized armor. May only eat Turian or Quarian Food.

Dextro-Protein Biology:

Turian biology being based on dextro-amino acids, they cannot subsist on the same foods as most other species. Eating or drinking anything not specifically marked as compatible with turian biology forces the character to make a DC 15 Fortitude save; success means that the food passes through the turian's system without incident, while failure causes the character to become nauseated. Failing by 5 or more points means that the character has a severe allergic reaction and is dying

*while turians and quarians could eat human bread and sweets, but not meats and vegetables from most races worlds.

DM-RP: 12

Attributes: Enhanced Life +1 RP

Ability Scores: Normal

Aid Another Enhancement: 3 RP

Radiation Resistance: 2 RP

Tacticians: 2 RP

Flexible Feat: 4 RP