
[Unjoined Trill from Star trek.][Looking for the Symbiote? Click Here {eventually}]

The Trill (or Trills) is the name of a humanoid species native to the planet Trill. A small percentage of the Trill population co-exists with a sentient symbiotic organism known as a symbiont inside their bodies. The resulting joined Trills have personalities which are a synthesis of the two beings including the memories, and to some extent the personalities, of the previous hosts of the symbiont. This way, the joined being gains all the skills and occupations of the previous hosts.
Most Trills are distinguished by two rows of spots going down each side of their bodies, from forehead to toe. Their skin color could vary. One of the main neurotransmitters in the Trill brain is isoboramine. Joined Trills are also extremely allergic to insect bites; the biochemical connections between the host and symbiont cannot tolerate the reaction caused by the insect's venom. One Trill peculiarity is that they are known for having cold hands.
The few Trills that are given a symbiont are typically joined in their early to mid-twenties. The physical process of being joined is irreversible. Once joined, the host and symbiont are dependent on each other after 93 hours. If the symbiont is removed from the host, symbiont and host will die within hours, even if they are otherwise healthy, unless they are reimplanted with another host or symbiont.
Some Trills have joked that Thier race doesn't look for romance the way most species like humans do. They consider it quite a nuisance and view it as a weakness of the young. Although a Trill host may have romantic feelings on occasion, it is the symbiont's wish to live on a higher plane and to try to rise above those sorts of temptations.
Trill law forbids reassociation between subsequent hosts of joined persons, whose symbionts were romantically involved in their previous hosts, as the main purpose of the transfer of symbionts is to experience new things in life. Trills who are found guilty of reassociation are expelled from Trill society, meaning that their symbionts die with their current host.
The Trill are a technologically advanced species and the Trill Science Ministry is a leading center of learning and experimentation.
The brain of a joined Trill has two cerebral nuclei and two different brain wave patterns. Medical Personnel compared them with two linked computers, which both work for the same task.
In contrast to the greater revelation of their nature, the Trill are not a secretive species. To them, the joined nature of their culture is normal and not something they would think to comment on without prompting. Indeed, joined Trills can be seen as particularly genial and many have served the Federation as distinguished ambassadors, including Odan and Dax.
On average, only three hundred symbionts are available for hosting each year and about a thousand Trills apply for joining. Because there are many more humanoid Trills than symbionts, prospective hosts are weeded out by a demanding selection procedure, overseen by the Symbiosis Commission. The competition for the few symbionts is fierce and attracts the brightest and most highly motivated of Trill society. Often the would-be hosts excel in their chosen fields and it is not uncommon for them to hold several degrees or distinctions prior to their joining. Prospective hosts may eventually become initiates under the supervision of a field docent, a joined Trill who evaluates the prospective host's suitability for joining and makes a recommendation to the Commission. A negative recommendation usually means the initiate is cut from the joining program.
Common belief in Trill society holds that only one in a thousand Trills make acceptable hosts. In fact, this figure is vastly understated, and nearly half of the Trill population is capable of being joined. The myth is perpetuated very carefully, though, in order to avoid the widespread chaos which would arise if the information were made public, since the symbionts would become, essentially, objects to be fought over, as people fought to gain the few prized symbionts.
Unless the joined Trill objects, a prospective host may request a specific symbiont. If a host is weak, the personality of the symbiont will overwhelm it. Joined Trills have several tools at their disposal for dealing with various aspects of their previous hosts. The telepathic ceremony of zhian'tara allows a current host to divest the symbiont of the personality and all the memories of a previous host, which are temporarily hosted in volunteers. The transferring process is performed and supervised by a symbiont Guardian, an unjoined Trill telepath. The ceremony creates a chance for closure by having the new host address the previous hosts directly as a means of distinguishing their voices and cementing the sense of finality of its latest transition. Similarly, the Rite of Emergence can focus the voice of a single previous host among the memories of the other, allowing for a more direct conversation in times of need for the current host.
The zhian'tara ritual is roughly similar to the Vulcan fal-tor-pan ritual, since both enable the respective species to perform a synaptic pattern displacement, the transfer of what could be considered as a soul (katra, pagh, etc.).

+2 to a Mental Stat (Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma)

Medical Classification: Humanoid Type 1a

Wound Die Type 1d10

Control Modifier +1

Creature Size: Medium

Base speed - 30 Feet

Flexible Party Skills

+1 Party ability slot & +1 Party ability point

Social Species:

Trills gain a +1 Etiquette party ability point and +1 Party ability slot for Etiquette.Trills gain a +1 Instruction party ability point and +1 Party ability slot for Instruction.

Trills are Social Creatures in general and enjoy the company of other races.

Reinforced Biology:

+2 vs Toxins | If Trill is Joined: Exclude those of Insectoid OriginThis bonus increases by +1 per 10 levels but is capped at their Constitution modifier.

Tolerate Radiation:

Trills can resist radiation better then the average human.

+2 to radiation resistance. This bonus increases by +1 per 10 levels but is capped at their Constitution modifier.

Unjoined Trill DM-RP: 12

Flexible Party Ability 4 RP

Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP

Attributes: Somewhat Spiritual 1 RP

Resistance to Radiation +1 RP

Resistance to Toxins +1 RP

Social Species +4 RP

Symbiont of Trillius:(Pending overhaul and allocation to it's own page and be unhinged from being species restricted)

Passive stabilization

Joined Trill symbionts can attempt to stabilize their host to prevent death, check is based on the trill's on heal check

Only Suffers a Fraction Sanity loss due to learning Forbidden Knowledge (% dice check)

Inherited Knowledge:

Joined trills Gain feats from their Previous lives

(Gamemasters create Symbiotes, see Symbiote chart for creation details)

Level of Inherited abilites dependent on the amount of points in the Unjoined Trill's chosen mind skill

if you had chosen +1 INT instead of the WIS or CHA, and you have modifier +4 (18 INT) then you can choose 4 of the Symbionts listed options as long as you meet the requirements for that feat as if you were taking it yourself during a level up)