
[Mirror Universe Humans]

Terrans like their palman ancestors are native to rock planets and breathe oxygen. They are Extremely aggressive, so their citizens are happiest in Warlike situations.They are somewhat Religious, excel at research and efficient ship construction and maintenance.Palman Virtual Intelligence

Society and culture

Millennia before the mid-23rd century, Terrans valued cooperation, freedom, and equality, but at some point decided these were dangerous fantasies that inevitably inspired rebellion, and abandoned them in favor of the fascism that eventually defined the species.

Biological description

"You're sensitive to light.""Only compared to a Human from your universe. It's the singular biological difference between our two races."Prime universe Michael Burnham conversing with Mirror universe Philippa Georgiou
Terrans and prime universe Humans were physiologically almost identical, since they were exactly the same species, just hailing from different universes. The only immediately noticeable difference was cultural, and even then, it was possible for a prime universe Human to feign bigotry and barbarism and, though more difficult, a Terran to feign tolerance and decency, meaning an individual could blend in until they were able to return to their home universe. However, there was one physiological difference: Terrans were more sensitive to bright light


While lacking significant natural biological defenses compared to other species, Terrans nonetheless bear a number of useful traits, with hands capable of balling into primitive clubs and a bite that carries all manner of infectious agents. Terrans have also developed many styles of martial arts focused on landing hits with their fists or legs which are remarkably effective. With the rise of technology, they have also developed large arrays of deadly weapons and armors, even going to far as to devise weapons capable of driving their own race to an early extinction. Galactic opinion is still varied on whether or not surviving that stage of their development was a good thing. The sword is the most culturally iconic human weapon, and swords continue to be made today, from simple to elaborate metal blades, even to the more technologically-driven weaponry.

Terran [Mirror]

Terran humans are any humans who have not strayed much genetically after leaving Terra or one of it's colony worlds.

Wound Die Type 1d10

Racial Control Modifiers +1

Medium Sized

Base speed 30 feet.

+2 to a Stat of your choice.

Non-Templated: +1 Party ability slot & +1 Party ability point

Templated: +1 Flexible Feat

+4 Skill points at level 1 and +1 skill points per level thereafter

Show No Weakness

Terrans gain +1 Attack and +1 damage for 1 round[s] after passing a will save. This bonus increases by +1/+1 & +1 round per 5 levels but is capped at their charisma modifier.Trained from birth to never show even a hint of weakness, Terrans carry this philosophy through life and into the battlefield. The drawbacks of this approach are rarely experienced by the survivors.


Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds a Terran for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.


Terrans gain a +1 Survivalist party ability pointTerrans are natural survival experts due to the natural hostility of their native universe.
Terrans gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving Iron and Steel items.Terrans have a long history of forging Steel arms and armor and are skilled in working it.They also receive this bonus to mining Iron to make Iron and steel items.
[This chart exists for Internal Balancing purposes]DM-RP: 12Show no weakness 2 RP Photosensitive -2 RP Flexible bonus feat 4 RP Skilled 4 RP Craftsman - Iron and Steel: 1 RPGregarious 2 RP Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP Attributes: Spiritual: +1 Control +1 RP