
Tellarites are stocky humanoids with an average height of approximately five feet. They are covered with a small but tough layer of wool-like matting over most of their body, and their hands feature four stubby fingers; their heads and faces are often compared to that of a Terran pig. The Tellarites are a hardy species, owing to the great abundance of calcium and other heavy minerals in their bodies (resulting in the “Telis” root of their Federation name). Tellarite bone and cartilage structures are much more massive than their Human counterparts, resulting in a much greater physical strength and innate resistance to bodily damage. This also results in their body mass being 1.5 times that of a normal Human of that height; their high body mass accounts for their slower base speed.

Tellarites were known to be an impatient people. They were also known for their "stubborn pride". They had a propensity toward strong emotion. However, they enjoyed a good argument, which was even considered a sport on Tellar. Tellarites often began an interaction with a series of complaints; this was how they started arguments with someone they had recently met. If they had nothing to complain about they would simply insult the person. Because of their ability to argue, Tellarites made excellent politicians.

  • Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.24G, Atmospheric pressure 0.95,

  • Mean temperature 67°F, Zorski Group IIa.

    Wound die Type d12
    Chakra Control modifier +0
    Medical Classification: Group II (humanoids)

    Species Traits

Size: As Medium creatures, Tellarites have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Ability Modifiers: +2 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, -2 to Charisma.

Base Speed: 20 feet.

However, Tellarites can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or whose speed is reduced in such conditions).

Saving Throw Bonuses: Tellarites receive +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Intelligence modifier.

Skill Bonuses: Tellarites receive a +1 Techie party ability point and +1 Party ability slot for Techie.

Languages: Common, Tellarite

Other Modifiers: Tellarites have a species bonus of a natural DR of 2/- due to their furred skin.

DM-RP: 12

Attributes: Enhanced Woundpoints +1 RP

Ability Scores: Standard 0 RP

Advanced Constitution (4 RP)

Slow -1 RP

Fearless 2 RP

Fur DR: 4 RP

Techie Party Ability +2 RP