
Racial Attributes

  • Wound Points 1d12

  • Control Modifier +2

  • +2 Wisdom

  • +2 Dexterity

  • -2 Strength

Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30ft
Base Climb: 20ft
Medical Class:
Group V-b (cold-blooded)

Skoleans receive a +4 bonus on Stealth checks in marshes and forested areas.

Skoleans can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Starting Languages: Common, Skolean, Gorn

Mercenary Training
+6 bonus on any Knowledge (military science) skill check when attempting to avoid surprise or ambush. If a Skolean makes this skill check, then the Skolean is not considered to be flat-footed.

Bonus Feat:
Skoleans gain the bonus feat of Acceleration Tolerance regardless of the prerequisite required.

Swamp Stride (Ex)
A Skolean can move through difficult terrain at its normal speed while within a swamp. Magically altered terrain affects a Skolean normally.

Other Modifiers:
Physical Weapon Resist Boon; +2/armor to Slashing & Bludgeoning

Physical Weapon Resist Weakness; -2/armor to Piercing & Ballistic


Attribute balance: Highly Spiritual +3 RP

Ability Scores: Standard 0 RP

Camouflage 1

Climb 1

Terrain stride (swamp) 1

Darkvision 60 ft. 2

Acceleration Tolerance Feat 2 RP

Merc. Training 2 RP

Damage Boon & Weakness 0 RP

Historically Skoleans will be a associate member of the human's System's Alliance. Their homeworld Skoleos is in the Expansion path of the humans, it is also very close to the border with the Gorns. They resemble the combination of a Terran chameleon and frog both in appearance and in special abilities. While they rarely exceed five feet in height and are not particularly strong, their lean and wiry build allows them to react quickly with a high level of eye-hand coordination.

When the various galactic powers began development of fighters, the Gorns realized that they had a big problem — themselves. A fighter built large enough to fit a Gorn pilot would lack maneuverability and speed, factors essential to success. Skolean mercenaries had been serving with Gorns for years, and there was a strong bond between the two distantly related reptilian species. It would have made good sense for the Gorns to design and build their fighters around a Skolean pilot, but the Gorns went one better and simply built human fighters under license.

While there might have been legal problems involved with Alliance citizens serving in the Gorn military, this was carefully ignored by both sides in a fashion reminiscent of American pilots serving in Britain’s Royal Air Force during the early years of WWII on Earth, or with Gurkhas serving in the British and Indian armies.

Skoleans are sometimes found serving in Star Fleet or other Alliance jobs, and are rarely found serving in the Marines and other highly physical occupations. They can be considered available as another Alliance member species, although most Skoleans who serve off-planet do so with the Gorns usually, not the Alliance. Skolean mercenaries serve the Gorns in many capacities, not just as fighter pilots. Some serve as naval crewmen and a few hold commissions or even command ships.

Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 0.81G, Atmospheric pressure 0.96, mean temperature 72°F, Zorski Group V-b

Alternate Racial Traits:


Skolean's aerodynamic bodies and thick webbing between the toes enable a falling Skolean to treat the distance fallen as half the actual distance. The Skolean can steer himself while falling, moving horizontally up to a number of feet equal to half the vertical distance fallen. The Skolean cannot use this trait if it is wearing heavy armor, is carrying a heavy load, or is unable to react to the fall (such as being helpless). This racial trait replaces swamp stride.


Skoleans with this trait are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump. This racial trait replaces camouflage.


The Skolean gains proficiency with rapiers and a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks. This racial trait replaces Acceleration Tolerance Feat

Toxic Skin (Ex)

Once per day as a swift action, a Skolean can create a poison that can be applied to a weapon or delivered as a touch attack. Alternatively, the Skolean can smear the poison on its own body as a standard action, affecting the first creature to hit it with an unarmed strike or natural weapon. The poison loses its potency after 1 hour. The Skolean is immune to its own poison. This racial trait replaces swamp stride and camouflage.

Skolean Poison: Skin or weapon—contact or injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the Skolean's Hit Dice plus its Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save.