
The Shofixti race was recently uplifted and adopted by the Yehat, a warrior culture who admired their courage and sense of honor.

The Shofixti is a race of meta-marsupials with an exceptionally short gestation period, and the ability of fast reproduction. They are also unaffected by inbreeding, and never cease to be fertile.

One could rightfully ask: how did they survive without overpopulating their homeworld and depleting it's resources before they were uplifted by the Yehat? The answer lies both in their physiology and their history. The drawback of their fast maturation rate is that they live very short, yet unproportionately long: a perfectly healthy Shofixti can live about 30-35 years, though the medieval circumstances, warfare and the lack of advanced medicine by that time never allowed them to live such methuselah age. The other biological trait they have is the radically unbalanced birthrate of males and females. Out of 20 Shofixti newborns only 1 is female. Still, females can give birth to hundreds of Shofixti in their lifetime, which turned out to be a defining aspect in their history.

For centuries, the Shofixti homeworld Kyabetsu -- Delta Gorno I -- was separated into small fiefs ruled by warlords, who aspired for expanding their influence when they were not already occupied with starvation,

The Yehat gave technology and cultural definition to the Shofixti, and started a chain of events to unite all warlords under one flag. In times of war, new babies were needed as warriors while peasants starved to death. In times of peace, new babies were needed as farmers to harvest the food necessary in times of war. Shofixti history rolled on by this generic cycle, and as culture advanced with the passage of centuries, the techniques of new generations of warlords became more and more refined. By controlling mating, they built up a social system where only the most worthy of warriors/officials/farmers were rewarded to have children of their own -- believing that the essence of exceptional subjects is inherited by their descendants, keeping the dynasty strong. Females were considered valuable items, with no freedom to choose their fate.

Thousands of warriors met their honorable fate on the battlefield, increasing the need to produce replacements in larger numbers than ever -- inevitably turning females into breeding machines. Males became increasingly preoccupied with the glory of war, and -- with the new and effective farming techniques the Yehat brought -- left the burden of anything else on females. plagues and occasional peasant revolts. For these warlords the most effective way to manage their domain was to take control of breeding by secluding females and turning procreation into a privilege given to males.

Racial Traits

+2 Dexerity, +2 Strength

Wound Die Type 1d8

Racial Chakra Modifiers +2

Medical Classification: Group IV-c (omnivores)

Size: small creature, shofixti gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but use smaller weapons than humans, and their lifting and carrying capabilities are 3/4ths those of a medium character.


Shofixti land speed is 20 feet.


Shofixti can see in the dark up to 120 feet.

Courage (Ex):

Shofixti are raised from birth that they will be glorified in the afterlife if they die in combat. Consequently, there is a complete lack of fear of death in the entire shofixti culture. Shofixti gain +10 to will saves vs fear.

Kyaiee! (Ex):

Shofixti are known for their general exuberance and battle-eagerness. All shofixti benefit from a +4 racial bonus to initiative.

DM Note:

Can be Forsaken: Yes

Hit and Chakra: Enhanced Wound die: 1 RP

Attributes: Flexible 2 RP

Slow speed -1 RP

Courage: 5 RP

Kyaiee!: 2 RP

Darkvision II: 3 RP

DM-RP: 12