
[Race origin unknown]

Species overview

Unlike most modern civilizations, the Rusar have not unified into a central government. Rather, their planets are ruled by independent kings and queens, who convene to decide matters related to the race; it was, indeed, Palma’s gift of quantum communication that allowed the fragmented Rusar society, spread across the stars, to tighten and present a strong, united front to the galaxy before joining the imperium, becoming the first race outside of Algo to join.
However, the local kings are still relatively free to act as they choose, though the King of Rusaria, the homeworld, is considered the “High King,” and is generally deferred to by lesser despots, and holds the only post able to call the entire Rusar people to war or countermand planetary kings.
In times of trouble or war, the Joint Rusar Fleet can be called on, with each world in the Rusari Federation contracted to supply a certain number of ships and soldiers to the joint defense each decade.
While the JRF was obliterated to its near entirity during the last shadow war, the Rusar race still fields a small Flotilla of low-warp vessels to defend themselves from pirates and await the return of the Palmans.
The Rusar are known to be an exceptionally friendly and peaceful race. They are slow to anger, though they are quite territorial, and have rarely warred with other races. In interactions with Palmankind, the Rusar are known to be outgoing and affectionate, readily making friendships that last a lifetime. Indeed, some have commented that most Rusar get along better with Palmans and their subraces than their own kind, and thanks to their dog-like appearance, are occasionally called “Man’s best friend among the stars.” As Palma’s first contact with Extrasolar alien life, and longest and staunchest ally, the saying has thus far rung true.


Rusar naturally have a soft, velvety fur covering their arms and legs, though this serves as poor protection against anything short of the environment. As such, the race has strongly invested in PSGs, producing some of the most advanced in the galaxy, they even retained this technology after the fall of their Great fleet during the last shadow war.
Due to their high physical agility, most Rusar shun heavier armors such as that worn by human Marines, instead relying on linked Personal Phalanx Energy shields across fighting formations to guard against attacks. The staff was, in ancient times, the primary weapon of their race, and the staff is the basis for their current weapons technology, with both shock-pikes and crook-shaped railguns being the favored armaments of the day.
Wound Die type 1d10 Control point modifier +0
Base Attributes: +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Advanced DexterityRusar receive a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity
Medical Classification: Group IV-b (lupinoid)
Medium Sized
Normal Speed: Rusar base land speed is 30 feet.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Languages: Begin play speaking Common.
Improved Trip:Rusar receive Improved Trip as a bonus feat at 1st level,even if they do not meet the prerequisites
Scent: Rusar gain the scent extraordinary ability.

DM-RP: 12

Ability Scores: Normal Attributes: HP and Chakra Normal.

Improved trip - 2 RP Advanced Dexterity (4 RP)

Scent +4 RP Keen Senses - 2 RP

Can be Forsaken: Rusar - Yes