
Origin: Star Trek Prime Directive

"Naturally Charismatic and dealt a bad hand in terms of galactic events. They managed to survive and move forward. Though its rare to hear one speak these days; But damn do they ever sound sexy when they speak French to you in the bedroom."Jeffrey Rin Kalus - I.R.W. Gladiator


The Ranel resemble five-foot tall, bipedal Terran raccoons and share the habit of curiosity with that species.

Ninety percent of the Ranel Population is mute, and all Ranel know their sign language.


The Shadows once considered the tactic of using a simple microbe to disable the vocal capabilities of a race, however during the last war when conducting the test an unknown ship appeared and destroyed the shadow freighter that was carrying the toxin to a minbari world.

As a result of the Freighter's destruction in a 'unimportant system', the toxins drifted into the inner worlds and directly into the atmosphere of the Ranel homeworld, it wasn't the intended target but the parties in the war monitored the planet, the shadows deemed it a failure, the primitive Ranel tribes quickly created a language based on hand movements to overcome the disability. other races who felt pity on them accelerated their technological development and provided them with speech synthesizers, strangely enough the microbe involved in this process were altered and partially absorbed by another microbe native to the Ranel homeworld, eventually evolving into the widely used Translator microbes.

Technology and homeworld

The Ranel currently sit at a Modern human technology level and are experiencing cultural contamination from earth, as their homeworld developed Radio and television technology early due to outside influences and compounded with the fact are within range of earth's broadcasts.

Those Ranel who are mute who must interact with alien species wear a speech synthesizer which resembles an accordion, but allows them to use spoken languages. (players choose if their Ranel is a mute or vocal ranel)

The Ranel's homeworld, Known as Peladine is Class M - Major biomes include A large ocean, forests, coasts, islands, and a large desert. The Ranel share this world with another sentient species, The Phelen - who resemble earth dolphins that have in recent years have begun to modify their forms to a more humanoid configuration.

Species Traits

Wound Die 1d8

Control Modifer: +1

Medical Classification Group IV-c (omnivores)

Size: As Medium creatures, Ranel have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

(if you are looking for Small Raccoon-like creatures, see Shofixti race)

base speed 30 feet

Darkvision out to 120 feet.

Ability Modifiers: +2 to Charisma, +2 Intelligence


Ranel are extraordinarily lucky and capable of avoiding mishaps, they gain +1 misc. Modifer to Fortitude, Reflex and Will.

Skill Bonuses:

Choose 2 non-psionic Skills that are Charisma or Intelligence based, they are now class skills are you gain +2 Misc. Modifier to them.

Other Modifiers: All Ranel have a Damage Reduction of 1/- due to their thick fur.

Languages; the Ranel's original language has been displaced, those that can speak use Common. They also know Ranel sign language

90% are infected wtih Translator Microbes and Shadow microbes from birth.

(10% of the population was immune or offworld at the time and lack both)

Palman Genetic Engineering can reactivate the Translator microbes consumption ability to destroy the shadow microbes, allowing that ranel(or anyone else that could suffer from this Microbe) to resume speaking as if never affected by the pathogen.

DM Note:

Can be Forsaken: Yes

Hit and Chakra: Normal

Attributes: Flexible 2 RP

Darkvision II: 3 RP

Lucky-Lesser: 2 RP

Skill Bonuses and always class : 3 RP

Fur DR: 2 RP

DM-RP: 12