
Racial Attributes

  • Wound Points 1d8

  • Control Modifier +1

  • +2 Dexterity

  • +2 Intelligence

  • -2 Constitution

Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30ft
Medical Class: Group III-x: (Dextro-Protein)

Damaged Symbiotic Immune System:

Quarians live aboard sterile starships and thus have developed virtually no natural immune system. Without a protective suit or sterile environment, a Quarian is subject to disease. As such, Quarians receive a -2 to Fortitude saves to resist disease and poison. Any time a Quarian is exposed to a non-sterile environment it must make a Fortitude save DC 15-25 (determined by the DM depending on the environment). If failed the Quarian takes 2 wound damage and 1d6 Str, Dex,or Con damage, this happens daily and cannot be healed till the illness is treated. Quarians have to make this save every day that the character is not within a sterile environment and can have multiple diseases if more then one save is failed. This attack occurs again each day the disease remains untreated. Treating the disease requires a successful DC 20 Treat Injury check.

Tech Affinity:

Quarians live and die by their technology, and even created the Geth.

As such, the race receives a +2 bonus to each of the following checks:

Techie (Mechanical/Electronic), Techie (Repair), Disable Device, and all regular Knowledge skills.

Tech Collector:

Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain technology of PL 5 or higher.

Quarians are rarely seen outside the Flotilla, those who are, are normally seen during a right-of-passage called their Pilgrimage, in which they search for a way to aid the Flotilla. As such, adult quarians receive a +4 bonus to their Diplomacy checks.

Special Equipment:
A basic replacement suit costs 20,000 credits (5,000 on a Quarian vessel), and a year's supply of filters costs 2,000 credits (500 on a Quarian vessel). Any time a Quarian receives 30(basic) 50(combat) damage the suit losses integrity and the Quarian must make a save as described above. If a Craft (Armor) or repair check DC 20 is made in-between damage then the damage starts back at 0. This check takes 1 hour. Quarian characters begin play with these items at no cost.

Dextro-Protein Biology:
Quarian biology being based on dextro-amino acids, they cannot subsist on the same foods as most other species. Eating or drinking anything not specifically marked as compatible with Quarian biology forces the character to make a DC 15 Fortitude save; success means that the food passes through the Quarian's system without incident, while failure causes the character to become nauseated. Failing by 5 or more points means that the character has a severe allergic reaction and is dying.

*while turians and quarians could eat human bread and sweets, but not meats and vegetables from most races worlds.

Quarian Environment Suit - Basic
Light Armor - Spacesuit Subtype
Armor Bonus: DR:2, Equipment Bonus to Fort: +0, Max Dex: +8

This suit provides a sealed environment for the wearer, doubling as a hard suit in the case of exposure to vacuum with an emergency internal air supply of one hour.

The suit also includes a helmet package. A new suit costs approximately 20,000 credits (5,000 on a Quarian vessel)

An Improved ‘combat’ environment suit utilized by Quarian Marines is available.

It increases the suit’s Armor Bonus by +1, Equipment Bonus to Fort by +1, and decreases the Max Dex to +4.

This upgrade costs an additional 10,000 credits.

Quarian characters begin play with a basic suit at no cost.

Forsaken: No , Symbiotic Biology with their native environment prevents such a contamination, any attempts result in the termination of the quarian attempting to be converted.

The quarians are a nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. Since their homeworld Rannoch was conquered, the quarians live aboard the Migrant Fleet, a huge collection of starships that travel as a single fleet.

The quarians created the geth, a species of rudimentary artificial intelligences, to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. However, when the geth gradually became sentient, the quarians became terrified of possible consequences and tried to destroy their creations. The geth won the resulting war and forced their creators into exile. Now the quarians wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology.

Culture: The quarians' top priority is the survival and sustainability of the Migrant Fleet. Most of their laws and customs revolve around this goal. It is illegal for couples to have more than one child, so that the fleet can maintain zero population growth (if the population begins to shrink, this rule is temporarily lifted, and incentives may be provided to encourage multiple births). Families are thus very small and close-knit. Because every quarian depends on his or her crewmates to survive, they are much more community-minded than individualistic species like the krogan. Loyalty, trust, and cooperation are highly prized qualities. Even in their ancient past they were a very emotional people, which the Protheans believed was a side-effect of their eco-symbiotic society. Quarians enjoy storytelling as a means of escape from their often trying lives aboard the fleet, and are known to hold dancers in high esteem.

Young quarians are required to undertake a Pilgrimage outside the fleet in order to pass into full adulthood. The Pilgrimage is an opportunity for quarians to experience the world outside the Migrant Fleet, interact with other cultures, and learn to appreciate life among their own people. Their departure is a major event; the whole crew assembles to see them off, and they are given many gifts to aid them on their journey, along with immunity-boosting injections and advice on surviving on the outside. The young quarian cannot return to the flotilla until they have found something of value to bring back - whether information, money, or supplies. When they return, they do not go back to their birth ship, but instead select a new ship to join; this helps maintain genetic diversity by preventing intermarriage between close relatives. The quarian presents their gift to the captain of the new ship to prove they will not be a burden on the crew. Although the gift may be rejected if it is subpar, this is very rare, as most captains are eager to welcome a new shipmate on board. Having a large crew is a prestigious thing, as it means the captain has the financial and material means to provide for many people.

Conditions aboard most quarian ships are extremely cramped. It is not uncommon for all family members to share the same small living space, which in turn is in close proximity to many other families' quarters. These spaces are often uncomfortable and ill-designed for living in, having been reappropriated from other functions such as storage. Families decorate their individual dwellings with colorful quilts, which serve to muffle sound and also to make the environment more cozy. Quarians place low value on personal possessions, instead evaluating objects by their usefulness and bartering them for other items once they are no longer needed. Every ship has a designated trading deck where those looking to barter can gather to do business.

Quarians wear their environmental suits at all times, partly in case of a hull breach and partly in response to the lack of personal space aboard the flotilla. Because their suits make it hard to identify individuals on sight, quarians have developed the habit of exchanging names whenever they meet.

Over time, the environmental suits themselves have gained symbolic and cultural significance, and being fitted with their first suit is considered a rite of passage. After returning to the fleet after their pilgrimage, they may alter their suit to reflect their new status as adults. Linking suit environments is seen as the ultimate gesture of trust and affection.

Due to their history with the geth, quarians are reluctant to place complete trust in virtual or artificial intelligences, but they also show surprising compassion towards them and are far more likely than other species to treat them as living beings.

Quarians refer to commanding officers of any ships, quarian or non-quarian, as captain, regardless of rank. Their reasoning is that the CO's decisions always carry great weight on his/her own ship.

Physical Description: Quarians are generally shorter and of slighter build than humans. Quarians have an endoskeleton, lips, teeth, and two eyes with eyelids and tear ducts; they also have three thick fingers on both hands which include a thumb, an index finger, and a long finger, similar to the middle fingers for humans, as well as three toes on each foot. Quarian facial structure and hair actually makes them the most similar to humans in physical appearance. Their lower legs are bowed backwards significantly, compared to asari or humans. Aside from hands and legs, their general body shape and sexual dimorphism is similar to humans. Male quarians, however, appear to lack a third toe. Their ears or ear analogues differ in a noticeable fashion from those of humans, with references made to "what [passes] for the quarian version of an ear". Also like humans, quarian blood is red.

The most distinguishing feature of quarian biology is their weak immune system, compounded by centuries of living in sterile environments. As a result, all quarians by necessity dress in highly sophisticated enviro-suits, to protect them from disease or infection if they are injured. Their suits can be compartmentalized in the event of a tear or similar breach to prevent the spread of contaminants (similar to a ship sealing off bulkheads in the event of a hull breach). Along with their suits quarians also have extensive cybernetic augmentations integrated into their bodies. A quarian's lifespan is roughly equal to a human's, but is prone to be less if infection breaks into the suit.

Quarian immune systems have always been relatively weak, as pathogenic microbes were comparatively rare in their homeworld's biosphere. Furthermore, what few viruses and other microbes were native to their homeworld were often at least partly beneficial to them, giving them a symbiotic relationship with their environment. After living aboard the Migrant Fleet for generations, the quarians' immune systems have atrophied further still due to the years in the sterile environment of the Migrant Fleet. As such, quarians are given various vaccinations and immunizations to help ward off disease. However, they prefer the safety of their suits even in clean environments and are reluctant to remove them without a good reason.

A quarian who wishes to remove their suit must take antibiotics, immuno-boosters, herbal supplements, or the like in order to do so safely, and even then there are inherent risks. As a result, physical acts of affection are difficult for quarians, even for the purposes of reproduction. Ships in the Migrant Fleet often contain "clean rooms" where quarians can give birth or undergo medical procedures in relative safety, though there are always risks. The most intimate thing quarians can do is link their suit environments. However, doing so guarantees a quarian will get sick, although they will usually adapt over time.

Like turians, the quarians are a dextro-protein species of reverse chirality from humans and asari. The food of levo-protein races such as humans or asari is at best inedible and at worst poisonous, most likely triggering a dangerous allergic reaction. Quarians who want to taste something (other than the refined edible paste issued to all who leave on their Pilgrimage) can eat specially purified turian cuisine, though the typical quarian diet is vegan, as livestock were found to possess an inefficient resource-to-calorie ratio when stored on the Migrant Fleet.

Languages: The Quarians speak, read, and write Quarian and Common.

Example Names: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya; First name + ' + family name + "Nar" (Child of) or "Vas" (Crew of) + name of the ship. Immature quarians are still "Nar" and are identified as a child of the colony or ship. Once a quarian has completed their rite of passage and earned their place on a homeship they use "Vas" instead of "Nar."

Adventurers: When Quarians reach the age of adulthood they are sent on a rite of passage known as the Pilgrimage.

They leave the fleet and only return once they have found something of value they can bring back to their people. Due to this culture based quest many Quarians are predisposed to adventuring.

DM-RP: 12

Attributes: Normal

Ability Scores: Normal

Tech Affinity: 12 RP

Damaged Immune System: -3 RP

Pilgrimage: 2 RP

Tech Collector: 1 RP