
[Originally from Space Empires IV & V, Adapted for Distant realms lore]

"Had a Phong acquaintance backhand a disruptor beam that was a few inches away from my face, its an impressive natural ability that saved my cranky ass. If you ever get a chance to try the seafood from their homeworld I recommend it. It's to die for. . . literally for them but not so much for us Levos."Jeffrey Rin Kalus - I.R.W. Gladiator HISTORYThe Phong’s history is a relatively peaceful one. They solve most of their differences through peaceful compromise. Prior to the development of space flight, Phong society was crippled by civil disputes. This period of unrest ended with the nationalisation of all guilds and the appointment of the first High Chancellor.
The few wars they have endured have been defensive, and mainly due to other races wanting to obtain their Crystalurgy technology. It is this same advanced technology that has allowed the Phong to resist attempts at subjugation.
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTESThe Phong are certainly humanoid in appearance, but they have some unusual physical traits. Their skin, for instance, is composed of a crystalline-organic polymer, which allows them to survive in extreme conditions. They stand roughly 6'5 tall and have an average lifespan of 50 years. They are most at home when mining deep underground, Their rapid metabolism makes them quick speaking and they always need to keep busy, other races seem to feel like their are all in a hurry, except perhaps salarians.
SOCIETAL ATTRIBUTESThe Phong society has a strong work ethic. Most Phong are at their happiest when working, but lack the creativity of other races. They excel at mining and refining radioactive materials and have developed an economy based on the trade of these materials with other races.
Phong society is grouped into different working guilds and unions, all of which are governed by the High Chancellor.

Wound die type 1d10 Racial Chakra Modifier +1

Size: Medium

Speed 30 feet


+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence -2 Charisma

Medical Classification: Group III-x: (Dextro-Protein)

Bio-Crystalline Sheath

Members of this race's skin is slightly refractive and can briefly become even more reflective.


Phong organic crystalline skin grants them a +2 racial bonus to Defense against rays.This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Constitution modifier. Once per day, they can consume 5 Control to overclock this property; they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat.

Subterranean Traveler

Members of this race can move unhindered through difficult terrain while underground.

In addition, Phong with a Dexterity score of 16 or higher gain Nimble Moves as a bonus feat.

Crystalline Talents

Phong gain a +1 To learn and +1 to perform checks with Jutsu carrying the Crystalline Descriptor.

Radiation Tolerance

The Phong homeworld was filled with abundant radiation sources, over time the race adapted to most forms that their biology could allow.

Benefit: +2 to Fort saves vs. radiation.

This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Constitution modifier.

Racial Technology: Crystalurgy

+2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to crystalline architecture or making equipment with Cryglass Also bonus to mining Cryglass Ore.

Dextro-Protein Biology: (this is not a defect, just a varying form of evolution RP = 0)

Phong biology being based on dextro-amino acids, they cannot subsist on the same foods as most other species. Eating or drinking anything not specifically marked as compatible with Phong biology forces the character to make a DC 15 Fortitude save; success means that the food passes through the Phong's system without incident, while failure causes the character to become nauseated. Failing by 5 or more points means that the character has a severe allergic reaction and is dying.

*while Phong could eat human bread and sweets, but not meats and vegetables from most races worlds.

Note about the phong homeworld:

Phong cannot eat seafood from their homeworld as its levo-amino, they can eat seafood from the Quarian, Turian or Thraddash homeworld as its Dextro-amino based, humans and other levo-amino based lifeforms actually find phong seafood quite desirable, and the phong fish them to sell to tourists and to other worlds.

backwards biology:

The phong actually breathe Carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen similar to plants on most class M worlds, usually this does not affect gameplay as they are restricted to the same worlds as oxygen breathers for the most part.

DM-RP: 12

Attributes: Somewhat Spiritual: +1 RP

Ability modifiers: Normal

Bio-crystalline Sheath: 3 RP

Subterranean Traveler 4 RP

Crystalline Talents: 1 RP

Radiation Resistance: 1 RP

Crystalurgy: 2 RP