
The ethnic Orions are a dexterous, Green,Ruddy and Grey skinned species resembling, but not directly related to, Humans. Much of what “everyone knows” about the Orions is a result of a few popular melodramas featuring Orion Pirates with an Orion “slave girl” somewhere in the cast. As a result, many believe that Orion women are all sexy slave girls and all Orion men are rakish pirates. However, most Orion women are housewives and mothers or choose to have a career;most Orion men follow respectable careers and come home to their children each night.Orions who are more charismatic than the norm (and who also have less moral difficulty rearranging the wealth so that it comes to them) frequently seem to step naturally into the role of Orion Pirate. “Orion slave girl” is a highly paid profession with specific training needed for the person who wishes to be in that class. In no way is it slavery.

Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 0.95G, Atmospheric pressure 1.03, mean temperature 75°F, Zorski Group III-a.

All Orion Traits:

Size: Medium Base Speed: 30 feet

General Feat Slot: All orions gain +1 Feat Slot at level 1.

Unusual Optics - All Orions
Ocular compounds to treat vision disorders, such as Retinax V did not work well on Orions.

  • DCs for Medical abilities targeting the eyes is increased by 30.

Unusual Thought Patterns

  • Orions have a +2 to resist Psychic Scans.

Medical Classification

  • Group III-a - Humanoid (copper-blood-Green)

Green Orions

Their external physical characteristics were close to those of humans, though their features tended towards aquiline noses and sharp chins. However, Orion physiology and copper-based blood chemistry were more similar to that of a Vulcan, with skin tones ranging from emerald to dark olive greens,due to both their copper blood and the chlorophyll in their skin cells. This green skin darkened in strong sunlight.

Black was the most common eye-color, followed by lighter shades of green. Some Orions had very different eye colors: blue, brown, gold, yellow, even pink and silver. Orion women could have very distinctive bright blue eyes.

Green Orion Traits

Ability Adjustment: +4 Cha , +2 Strength - 2 Wisdom

Wound Die Type 1d10 Racial Control Modifier +0

Slightly Plant Based Biology - Eligible for Plant Mutations.

Green Orion Hardiness
Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Natural Entertainers

  • Entertain is a character skill.

  • Gain +1 Rank limit to all Entertain skills.

Pheromone Exudation
The Green Orion Species produces a powerful pheromone exudation.

Variant enhancement bonus on non-chakra/psionic Charisma checks to those of the proper sexual orientation equal to charisma modifier.

Example: A female Orion emitting Pheromones will cause all heterosexual and bisexual males and all homosexual and bisexual females to be drawn to her, gaining the bonus to charisma skills above, however those not sexually attracted to her find themselves suffering from headaches and the Orion takes a penalty to interacting with those individuals equal to the strength of the bonus.

Grey Orion Traits

Grey Orions

Grey Orions were a humanoid species related to the Green Orions and Ruddy Orions, but they tended to be shorter, slighter, quite frail and much weaker than their racial cousins, and less charismatic, but also a little more dexterous and great deal more intelligent.

Their numbers were low, making up only 20% of the Orion population. Their primary difference was their coloration, with skin ranging from a light gray to a charcoal black. In strong sunlight, this would tan with a deep metallic hue. Grey Orions made up the Scientist Caste in the Old Orion Empire.

Ability Adjustment
+4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom -2 Constitution

Wound Die Type 1d8 Racial Control Modifier +0

Degrees for Days

  • Grey Orions treat all knowledge skills as character skills.

  • They also gain a +2 racial modifier on knowledge skills, scaling +1 every 10 levels.

Ruddy Orions

Tending to be slender, some quite delicate and very rarely fat. By Human standards, their features were often considered pleasing, even beautiful. Ruddy Orion skin was sensitive to strong sunlight, such as that from Rigel, which could deepen their color or cause a purple burn. Their eye colors varied from a deep sea-blue to violet and an occasional black. Their hair was fine and thin, particularly among men, and could range through all shades of grey, from pure white to a deep, metallic blue-black.

Ability Adjustment

+4 STR, +2 CHA -2 Wisdom

Wound Die Type 1d12 Racial Control Modifier -1

Ruddy Orions gain a +6 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.

Ruddy Slave Culture:
Ruddy Orions gain a +1 racial bonus on Gamble, Perception, and Sense Motive checks. Gaining an additional +1 Raicial bonus every 10 character levels.

Solar Radiation intolerance -2 to Solar Radiation Checks

DM-RP: 12


  • Normal [Green | Ruddy [0 ]

  • Slightly unspiritual - Grey [-1 RP]

Ability Scores: Greater Paragon -> 2 RP

General feat: -> 4 RP Medical Failure - Eyes: -3 RP Scan Resistance -> 2 RP

Green Orions: Plant trait(0 RP) Green Orion Hardiness (1 RP) Natural Entertainers [1 RP] Pheromones: 5 RP

Ruddy Sun Intolerance(-1RP) Ruddy Slave Culture (5 RP) Fearless III (Ruddy) [3 RP]

Degrees for days 8 RP - Grey