
[Numan/Numen variant race from Phantasy Star Online 2]

A race resulting from Photoner efforts to create a new breed of Numan."

Palman Virtual Intelligence

The genetic engineering that produced Newmans from the old Numan genetic material was then focused on the enhancement of mental abilities, and as a result the average newman has reaction speeds, intelligence, and memory that easily best a human's, but their physical abilities are significantly less developed, a sacrifice made to expedite the cloning process. Creating powerful Post-fall numens took time and resources that the photoners did not have due to their conflict with the darkers and so the Newmans appeared in an attempt to fill the void in their military.

Their greater mental abilities make newmans well-suited to the use of Technics, but the lack of physical prowess makes the vulnerable in melee combat. The sharp, elf-like ears of the Newman race were intended to act as "antennas" for Phonons, granting them access to a greater Phonon supply at a time at the cost of their physical ability; They're also said to constantly twitch and move.


+2 Any [Human Stat buff]

Wound Die Type 1d6

Racial Control Modifiers: 1

Cosmetically Flexible

Newmans have little restriction on eye and hair color due to Palman Ancestry.

Scaling Magic Damage Bonus:

Newmans naturally overcharge magic they cast that deals damage or heals adding +1 per 10 levels.

Total Defense Fast Recharge:

Newmans who enter total defense stance and stay within the same square will begin to draw phonons from the environment

Benefit: Fast Control Regeneration 1 per 8 levels.

Evolutionary Ghosting:

Some Newmans have black tipped ears like the Numen project, this is completely random [Though a constant reminder of what they 'should' have been if taken]

{player chosen or random roll}

DM-RP: 12

Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP

Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RP

Cosmetically Flexible: 0 RP

Scaling Magic: 4 RP

Scaling Fast Recharge: 8 RP

[-2 RP restriction,+6RP Fast regen cost +4RP Scaling cost]