
Once a peaceful, agrarian people, the Narns have been reforged into a young and vitalised race who have thrown off the shackles of Shadow occupation. There is a high degree of optimism within the Narns, a sense that they can achieve almost anything in the galaxy.


Often described as a passionate race, Narns tend to let their emotions get the better of them which has caused some friction with other races in the past. Most seem to have an abused mentality, and so act as if they have something to prove to the rest of the galaxy, likely due to the fact they had to drive off a shadow invasion on their own with little technology and no allies. Few look before they leap and they will react violently to anyone who tries to imprison or enslave them.

Physical Description:

Narns are similar in height to Humans but are far more heavily built. They have rough textured skin of a dark brown colour that is dappled with darker spots. One of their most striking characteristics is their deep red eyes, which seem to almost shine in lowlit conditions. The appearance of Narns can be accurately described as functional – they tend not to indulge in the decoration and frippery common to other races and their clothing tends to be extremely utilitarian.


Others view the Narn as a young and pugnacious race, ready to fight whenever their passions take hold of them. However, Narns are extremely interested in forging alliances with most races in order to solidify their newly expanded position within the galaxy.

Narn Beliefs:

There are many different faiths among the Narn population but instead of gods, they revere spiritually enlightened individuals who have appeared throughout their history. The works and writings of these individuals are hand-copied with religious care so that no variance or deviation from the original words is possible – what a Narn

reads is actually what was written, perhaps centuries ago. The books of G’Quan, G’Lon and Na’Kili are among the most commonly found in Narn society.


The Narn language can seem brutish to others

but upon further study, it is clear that a certain eloquence is achievable by the right individual and this perhaps goes far to explain the popularity of works by long-dead Narns among the current generations. Narn opera, however, has to be endured rather than heard.


All Narns are given names in their infancy but, upon reaching adulthood are permitted to choose their own. This practice arose from the very real fact that life on Narn used to be extremely dangerous and few infants survived. Narn names sound hard and short to most other races, comprising just two syllables.

Male Names: Du’Rog, G’Kar, G’Sten, Ha’Rok, Ru’Dak, Sha’Toth, Ta’Lorn, Ta’Karn, Tu’Pari

Female Names: Ha’Ten, Ja’Dar, Ko’Dath, Li’Dak, Na’Toth, Pik’Nar


Narns, as a race, are eager to leave their home planet and start travelling between the stars. There is a youth and vigour within this race that strains to leave its mark on the galaxy, though their often brutish behaviour means they are not welcomed everywhere. Narns can be found on almost any system where other races are permitted, performing a wide range of roles in an effort to make an honest living.

Wound Die type: 1d12 Racial Chakra modifier +2
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Charisma:Narns are an extremely Strong and hardy race but are often seen as brute savages by others.
All Narn are of Medium size. Narn have a base speed of 30 Feet.
Medical Classification: Zorski Group II [Humanoid]
Low-Light Vision: Narns can see twice as far as a Human in starlight, moonlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish shade and colour while under these conditions and can even read by such light.
Racial Feat:One Racial Feat of their choice that they are eligible for.
Toughness: Taught to ignore pain and be willing to sacrifice themselvesat an early age for the good of all their kind,Narns gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Automatic Language Feats:Fluency (Common) and Fluency (Narn).

Narn Racial Feats

Liturgies of the Heart (Narn)

Your oratory skills, pure adherence to your convictions and inspirational examples can touch the reverence of other Narn deeply, strengthening their resolve in the times of greatest hardship.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Priestly Devotion.
Benefit:As Priestly Devotion, except that every Narn who can hear your words also gains the Priestly Devotion bonuses for the duration.

Priestly Devotion (Narn)

You have studied one of the books written by a renowned Narn spiritual leader of the past and can readily find strength in its words.
Prerequisites:Wisdom 13, Knowledge (Narn) 4 ranks, Knowledge (philosophy) 4 ranks.
Benefit:You can draw upon your faith to accomplish things other Narn cannot. Once per day, you can recite a passage from memory, learned during your religious studies, as a standard action. For a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus, you gain a +2 morale bonus to Fortitude or Will saving throws and any skill checks.

Family Ka’Toc (Narn)

As someone skilled in its use, you have inherited your family’s ka’toc. With this honour comes a dire responsibility to keep disgrace from ever tainting the blade in its service to all Narn.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (ka’toc). <Katana>
Benefit:You receive a ka’toc and the legacy of tradition that comes with it. When wielding this particular ka’toc, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls, a +2 bonus to attack rolls to resist being disarmed and a +1 morale bonus to Will saves. If the blade is ever lost, you must struggle tirelessly to recover it or face the greatest dishonour in the eyes of fellow Narn. If the ka’toc is destroyed, this feat is lost and replaced by a Blood Oath against the individual responsible. Once the Chon-Kar is satisfied, you may either select a new target for the Blood Oath or regain this feat by buying or forging a new ka’toc.

Blood Oath (Narn)

Narn believe they have a keen sense of justice and when an individual or his family is wronged, they often take the Chon-Kar – the Blood Oath. This vow is normally taken for the most heinous of crimes, such as murder or treason, and once committed to the Chon-Kar, a Narn will do everything in his power to track down and kill the people responsible for the injustice. This is perfectly legal in Narn society, though other races often have laws that may cause the fulfilment of the Blood Oath itself illegal, in their eyes at least.
Prerequisite: Must have suffered a great injustice.
Benefit:Those that take this feat will feel their blood boil and anger rise whenever the target of the Blood Oath is close by. Upon selecting this feat, you must choose a particular individual or small group who has wronged you, your family or your race. When involved in combat with this individual, you will receive a +2 morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls. As soon as the individual has been killed or otherwise brought to justice, the Blood Oath is fulfilled. However, the Narn may declare a new Blood Oath against a new target, as long as that target has also committed a great injustice.
Special:You may select this feat multiple times, each allowing you to select an additional target for the Chon-Kar.

Blood Rage (Narn)

Few Narn are noted for their patience or temperance but some have been known to fly into berserk rages while engaging in combat. Racing at the enemy, they are heedless of their own lives and as their blood boils within their veins, they gain almost supernatural strength that allows them to overcome any enemy.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit:When in any dangerous or life-threatening situation, you can fly into a berserk rage as a free action, gaining phenomenal strength and endurance. Once per day, you can enter the Blood Rage. You immediately gain a temporary +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a temporary +2 morale bonus to Will saves. The Constitution bonus will increase your hit points by +2. However, you also become far more reckless and so suffer a temporary –2 penalty to Defence Value. The Blood Rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your (newly improved) Constitution modifier. At the end of the Blood Rage, you lose all temporary bonuses and penalties. In addition, you will be fatigued.
DM-RP: 12 RPRacial Feat: 4 RPToughness feat: 2 RPLowlight Vision: 1 RPAttributes: Very Spiritual +3 RPAbility Scores: Flexible +2 RP