
[Beast Race from Phantasy Star Universe]

  "A race created via genetic engineering by the ancient Palmans to survive in the harsh climates and working conditions of the mines on Moatoob. They are said to have strong senses of family and loyalty, however they can be rather distrustful of non-human races." Palman Virtual Intelligence 
Real bruisers, Beasts come in two forms, Beasts and  Beastlings. Beasts were purposely created by combining Palman/Human and monster DNA in order utilize them to work hard labor. With their bodies being strong and capable of withstanding the harsh Moatoob environment, as a result they proved much more efficient working the mines compared to most races.
Beasts tend to be physically imposing specimens with above average human physiques, while Beastlings are a bit more teenage-like in their adult sizes. Despite  those differences in form, their capabilities are almost identical, and it would be a mistake to underestimate a Beastling. While lacking the refinement and agility of other species, their strength is top-notch, and they are surprisingly capable with Technics, only barely trailing Humans with that talent.
While Beasts closely resemble Humans, they also carry marks of their more bestial heritage, such as subtly animal-like facial features, as well as their ears.  Their usual personalities not lending  itself well to politics, Beast society has risen to regard traits such as power, cunning and wealth as things of importance, so it should come as little surprise that many end up in dangerous, high-risk and high-reward occupations not related to mining such as adventuring, bounty hunting, salvaging and even military service
Be careful when provoking a Beast, as they also have the ability to temporarily revert to an even more powerful form, a process called a Nanoblast.

Slight Build[Beast]:

Beasts, though being classified as large sized creatures, are short, slim and light in build compared to other large sized creatures, as a result they are treated as one size category smaller than they actually are, whenever being smaller would  provide a bonus. A Beast is not considered to be one size smaller when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size  (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him.

Size: Large [Genetic Lock]

Benefit: Large creatures gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and a –2 size penalty to Dexterity. Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. 
A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.


[Beast Homeworld]
Alternate Names: N/AClassification: Class G [Silicate]                    Partially Terraformed
Location: Gurhal System  Gamma Quadrant 
Moons: 1 [Destroyed]Gravity 1.1gDiameter: Data not availableEquatorial Circumference: N/ALength of day: 24.12 hoursLand Mass Percentage: 80%
Class G silicate, in planetary classification, is a type of planet. These arid worlds are possessed of a thin oxidizing atmosphereLifeforms have a difficult time taking hold on these hot, dry worlds.
A Silicate type desert planet that nonetheless manages to show a large variety of surface conditions and supporting a larger amount of life compared to the average G type world. Moatoob is dotted with sporadic springs and oasis, most of the surface is dry sand dunes and rocky canyons, though in stark contrast the frigid polar regions have extensive water ice locked away. One of the most distinctive features of Moatoob from a distance is its ring system, the remains of a moon that was destroyed in the long war that ended recently. Moatoob shows signs of Terraforming, a Process likely started by the Palmans but not completed by the time their Imperium Collapsed.

Beasts & Beastlings

+2 to a Stat of your choice.        

Wound Die Type: 1d10Racial Control Modifiers -1

Cosmetically Flexible 

Beasts & Beastlings have little restriction on eye and hair color due to Palman Ancestry.


Tolerate Radiation: 

Beasts & Beastlings can resist radiation better then the average human.

+2 to radiation resistance. This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Constitution modifier.
Scaling Accuracy save Penalty:This Accuracy Penalty Scales, and is increased by 1 every 10 levels
Beastial Close Combat Training: They gain a Scaling +1 damage every 10 levels When using specific Melee Weapons  Such as: Swords, Knuckles, Spears, Axes, Sabers, Claws, Daggers. [this includes unarmed attacks]
Powerful Build[Beasting]:Beastlings, though being classified as small sized creatures, are physically imposing compared to other small sized creatures and are often mistaken for medium sized; this lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a Beastling is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), they are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him.
A Beastling is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him.
Size: Small [Genetic Lock]Small races gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Small races have a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Beastling Musculature  (7 RP) [Genetic Lock]+1 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +15 Base Land speed.Genetic Lock - This ability will fail to succeed during hybridization attempts.
Nano Blast (Beast & Beastling Ex): The beast race actually suppresses their true-state in an artificial Phonon shell due to instabilities and high energy consumption. Like the Saiyan Race-project; Beasts have a were-ape like transformation which is triggered by an extended duration in combat. The beast goes into a rage, increasing in size by one step.[or three steps in the case of beastlings]. Nanoblast becomes available after so many Phonons have been absorbed, they are absorbed when the beast deals or is dealt damage. 
Note: Powerful/Slight build abilities are not in effect during Nanoblast.The points required to Nanoblast is Character level x7. Nanoblast bar progression resets after resting: so if it was nearly charged and you purposely rest or fall asleep due to exhaustion it will reset, Magical sleep effects do not count.He gains +6 Str, -2 Dex, +6 Con a -1 size penalty on attack rolls, and a -1 size penalty to Defense due to your increased size. He gains two primary slam attacks dealing 1d8 + Str damage, and a secondary bite attack for 1d8 + Str.This form lasts for 3 + their newly improved Constitution modifier rounds, and during this frenzy they are able to tell friend from foe, but cannot perform any tasks requiring Concentration, However if they possess the Spellcasting Rage Talents, they can cast spells during Nanoblast.

[This chart exists for Internal Balancing purposes]
Powerful Build: 4 RP | Slight Build: 4 RPLarge: 7 RP | Beastling Musculature: 7 RPAbility Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP          Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RPNanoBlast: 6 RPCosmetically Flexible: 0 RPDegraded Accuracy (scaling) -8 RPBeastial Close Combat Training: 2 RPResistance to Radiation +1 RP