Kzinti [Male Only]


The Kzinti were an aggressive, carnivorous race, who were disdainful of herbivorous species such as Vulcans, and with only marginally more respect for omnivorous ones such as Humans. Kzinti females were without intelligence, and Kzinti males were thus predisposed to underestimate females of other species.

Kzinti placed great importance on individual honor, being obliged to seek personal revenge upon an attacker before calling for help. To be defeated or wounded and left alive was considered by them the ultimate insult, which could only be remedied by single combat to the death.

The Kzinti had superstitious legends about weapons being haunted by their deceased owners.

Their species has a notable interest in non-combat pursuits such as archaeology and astronomy.


Kzinti were bipedal digitigrade felines with orange fur, yellow eyes, pronounced fangs, ears resembling bat wings, four-fingered hands, and long tails. Males stood over two meters tall, with broad hunching shoulders and comparatively slender waists and limbs. Their internal anatomy included ribs with vertical bracing and multiple hearts. They breathed in atmospheres similar to most races. As carnivores, they were acutely averse to the consumption of plants. Their physical attributes made them powerful combatants. Kzinti were known to be telepathically gifted though the effort required was taxing and took time to recover from, often leaving such individuals unhappy and neurotic. There was no sure way to guard one's thoughts from such a telepath, but the experience could be made especially unappealing for the telepath by the subject concentrating intently on images which Kzinti considered distasteful or alien, such as eating a raw vegetable.

Wound Die Type 1d10

Racial Control Modifiers -1

Medium Sized

Base speed 30 feet.

+2 to a Stat of your choice.

Darkvision 60 Feet

Hunter's Ears

+2 racial bonus on Perception checks.This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Intelligence modifier.Kzin ears are unique in the felinoid world and it grants them amazing tracking capabilities.


  • +4 Skill points at level 1 and +1 skill points per level thereafter

Natural Force Sensitive

  • When the Kzinti take Force Sensitive they roll 1d4+2 instead of the standard roll.

Because of their excellent sense of smell all Kzinti are eligible to gain the Scent Quality by using a feat slot.

DM-RP: 12

  • Hunter's Ears - 1 RP

  • Force-Sensitive II: 5 RP

  • Skilled 4 RP

  • Darkvision - 2 RP

  • Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP

  • Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RP