
The Kalish are a humanoid species, roughly the same proportion bodywise as Humans and Sebaceans, with orange hair and pale skin that is mottled in places in a repeating diamond pattern.

The Kalish body is highly efficient — indeed, the average member of the species only needs to eat ten times per cycle. These are food binges in which the Kalish will consume more than a Hynerian; the feasts are followed by a digestion period of increased body temperature.

Kalish also have the ability to “shift their gravity centers,” allowing them to walk on walls and ceilings.

Their relatively small and light veins and other internal body parts are somehow related to this ability.

Kalish cannot tolerate translator microbes and must learn the language of each new species they encounter. If severed, their limbs can be reattached without surgery. Kalish are especially susceptible to radiation; short exposure will destroy three of their internal organs.

Thus far, little is known about the Kalish society. However, it is known that the Kalish are highly intelligent and are especially adept in science, technology, and organization.

The Kalish do have a sophisticated underground resistance, which includes some genetically engineered Bioloids. Though Scarrans are usually credited with creating Bioloids, which are copies of life forms given certain tasks and abilities, it may be that the Kalish were behind the idea. At the very least, they have managed to create Bioloids without the Scarrans’ knowledge.

Unfortunately for them, the Kalish are also a conquered species under the thumb of the Scarrans, and are forced to be their conquerors’ bureaucrats, technicians and intelligence experts. They hate the Scarrans, and also the Charrids, another partner species of the Scarrans.

Wound die type: 1d8.

Racial Control Modifier: -1. Kalish society places little emphasis on the spiritual.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength.


Kalish have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.

Medical Classification - Group I-a (near-human)

Kalish base speed is 30 feet.

Natural Radiation Resistance -4

Shards of the Past II:

Like Interions, Kalish treat all standard knowledge skills as class skills. They gain a +2 racial modifier on knowledge skills.

Bio-resistant: Translator Microbes

Kalish cannot benefit from translator microbes; they must learn to speak languages individually, if they are infected by them, treat as a disease requiring treatment, kalish entering a coma like state until resolved by medical aid.

Binge eating Race:

Kalish ignore starvation rules for up to two months at a time

(i.e., no Fort checks until 60 days have passed without eating)


Kalish can reattach lost limbs and restore them to full functionality. The limb must be bound back against the severed stump until it heals (meaning that the limb must be intact).

Healing rate still takes place as normal, but severed limbs will be fully functional at the end of that time. This ability does not apply to decapitation.

Shifting Gravity:

Kalish have the ability to shift their center of gravity, allowing them to climb walls with little difficulty. With at least thirty seconds of preparation, a Kalish can automatically succeed at any Climb check that he or she makes, regardless of height, speed, or surface conditions. If the Kalish takes any damage during the climb, he or she must make a normal Climb check, with a DC appropriate to the conditions. If it fails, the Kalish loses his or her balance and takes falling damage as appropriate.


Ability Scores: Normal

Attributes: Extremely Nonspiritual -2 Chakra modifier. -2 RP

Auto-Climb: 3 RP

Limb Reattachment: 3 RP

Shards of the Past, Advanced: (8 RP)

Binge Eating Race: 3 RP

Bio-resistant: Translator Microbes -1 RP

Weakness to Radiation -2 RP