
The Jaanosians look exactly how you would expect them, they are short creatures, pale grey or white skin and black eyes. The Jaanosians are an offshoot race of the greys, who are in turn an offshoot of the asgard.

The greys, who are the faction who originally urged for widespread genetic engineering in asgard society and subsequent issues the asgard are facing, and while the greys and the asgard have failed to repair the genetic damage, the Jaanosians were far luckier.

Settling on a remote planet that humans call Jade they rescued a group of humans who were piloting an experimental colony ship from earth within their first few years on their new home, the humans now stranded in the Amnesty system settled on the third planet in the system and named it Gaia.

Relations between the humans and Jaanosians remained productive and stable, they combined their technologies and built a vastly superior cargo vessel then what both races had available, they have also salvaged a palman hunter class fighter and was able to reverse engineer its hull design, while fielding far more primitive weapons, the vessel's hull shape was the product of thousands of years of palman military doctrine.

Where the Jaanosians failed, they would turn to their human allies for help, eventually the humans realized their allies and friends were dying off slowly, Terran scientists from gaia approached the jannosian government; informing them they had deceitfully found the truth, accused them of being irresponsible allies, their societies were too integrated to each other, if one were to die off, there was a significant chance the other would as well, and they left, leaving the officials with a puzzled look on the package left behind, within it was a strange glowing orchid and dozen of glowing vials, the humans had discovered an orchid on gaia that could genetically assimilate valuable code from other plants it bred with, using modified human genetic material they were able to bind it to the damaged jaanosian DNA allowing the race to resume normal reproduction.

Overall Jaanosian technology level is inferior to their grey and asgard counterparts, with the exception of Hull materials composition, Research infrastructure and Genetics in the fields of humanity and their own race group the Asgard.


Jaanosians are Asgard with genetic repairs applied to them from Joint research with the humans from Gaia. Who's human genetic ratio is below 10%

Asgard (macro-Species)

Wound die 1d8 Chakra Modifier +1

+2 Wisdom

-2 Constitution

Size Small

Speed: 30 feet

Ancient Race:

The asgard race has cataloged a wide variety of knowledge in its many thousands of generations

+2 Species bonus to Knowledge Checks, Bonus scales, +1 every 5 levels.

+1 Feat - Asgard Racial list.

Starting Package: Choose one:

Asgard Fleet Officer

+2 Charisma.

+2 Species Bonus to Diplomacy and Pilot checks.

Asgard Geneticist

+2 Intelligence

+2 Species bonus to Treat Injury and Knowledge: Biology checks.

Asgard Protected Planets Treaty Enforcer

+2 Dexterity

+4 Species bonus to Initiative checks.


In the past the Asgard have attempted crossbreeding with other races and the attempts have always failed, but the Jaanosians carry within them the same assimilative capability of the orchid from gaia, they contain barely enough human DNA to allow Jaanosian/human hybrids other attempts will still fail.

Asgard (macro-Species)

Wound die 1d10 Chakra Modifier +0

+2 Wisdom

Size Medium

Speed: 30 feet

Ancient Race:

The asgard race has cataloged a wide variety of knowledge in its many thousands of generations

+2 Species bonus to Knowledge Checks, Bonus scales, +1 every 5 levels.

+1 Feat - Asgard Racial list.

Starting Package: Choose one:

Asgard Fleet Officer

+2 Charisma.

+2 Species Bonus to Diplomacy and Pilot checks.

Asgard Geneticist

+2 Intelligence

+2 Species bonus to Treat Injury and Knowledge: Biology checks.

Asgard Protected Planets Treaty Enforcer

+2 Dexterity

+4 Species bonus to Initiative checks.

Jaanosian/human Hybrids gain a special bonus, they retain all positive ability score modifiers from their parent races due to the Assimilation orchid synergizing with the human DNA, and receive none of the Jaanosian Penalties.

However they gain a -8 Interaction bonus with humans not from Gaia, the facial appearance of the hybrids unsettles most humans until they are used to it, once a NPC or PC has gotten to know the hybrid over a period of time, the effect wears off.(this has been known to affect other races who have associated with humans over a long period of time, like elves, dwarves) these races find humans combined with alien DNA quite disturbing, an unnatural feeling is carried around the hybrid, the Hybrids charisma bonus adds or subtracts from this modifier, a Hybrid with a +8 charisma modifier would technically negate this effect.

DM-RP: 12

Ability scores : balanced 0 rp

Attributes: Balanced 0 RP

Starting Package RP: 4

Ancient Race: 6

Asgard Racial Feat +2 RP

Not Eligible for hybrid rules