
[Humanoid Species from Farscape]

Species overview

The Interions are a race of bipedal humanoids, roughly the same size and proportions as Humans and Sebaceans, but with different cranial architecture.
In some circumstances, most often when in the throes of strong negative emotions leftover palman genes in regards to vivid hair color seem to briefly reactivate. The color of an Interion's hair will rapidly change; the hair of Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis, usually a ginger color, changes to a flaming scarlet when she is feeling stressed or angry.
Interions also shed like cats, to the point that their lost hair can even clog up machinery and electronics.
The Interions' high-pitched scream is somehow capable of melting small metal objects in her vicinity. It is unknown whether this occurs because of the pitch, the volume, or the pure grating sound of the scream, but it occurs without the Interion's conscious control.
Interion society seems to be geared toward education in the arts and sciences; it is not uncommon for a member of the intellectual elite have sixteen advanced degrees or more. Included in the basic education, it would appear, are the biological and medical sciences, history, and archeology.
Indeed, the Interions have established an archeological dig at Arnessk, the site where, according to legend, a group of priests maintained peace between Sebaceans and Scarrans for five hundred generations, until about 10,000 cycles ago. Tentative evidence- a tile with symbols from Interion, human and Sebeacean culture- suggests the Interions might have been involved in this truce as well.
Interions are also against violence and war, and believe the Peacekeepers are inferior grunts suited only to carry weapons and die in battle. Jool once claimed that there were no wars. weapons or violence on her planet, but this might have been an exaggeration.
Interions carry Palman gene markers but are far more genetically compatible with humans then the norm. It would appear that Interions and humans may be related, as they are compatible medical donors for each other in some respects in more exotic proceedures.
As Peacekeepers were genetically engineered from primitive humans by the Eidolons, it is possible that the Interions share a similar origin.
Wound die type: 1d8. Racial Control Modifier: -1.

+2 to Attribute of Choice (except Intelligence)

+2 Intelligence

Medium-sized: Interions have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.

Interion base speed is 30 feet.

Medical Classification: Group I

Degrees for Days

Interions treat all knowledge skills as class skills.

They also gain a +2 racial modifier on knowledge skills, scaling +1 every 10 levels.

Scientific Society

An Interion who purchases the Technically Gifted background pays Three less skill points for it.

Interions cannot purchase the Soldier background.

DM-RP: 12

Extremely Nonspiritual -2 Chakra modifier. -2 RP

Ability Scores: Flexible +2 RP

Shriek: 4 RP

Degrees for days (Shards of the past, Advanced) (8 RP)

Cultural Trait Mechanics - Scientific Society 0 RP

Special Ability: Shriek

Interions have the ability to vocalize higher into the sonic range than most other races. They can use this high-pitched scream as a warning or a weapon in and of itself. It requires the expenditure of 4 control points as a half action, and targets an area no larger than one square meter in diameter, within a range of 5 meters + 2 meters for every level the Interion possesses. For every round the scream is maintained, it deals 1d8 + the Interion’s level of damage to all inanimate objects made of glass and metal; all characters capable of hearing within the radius of the scream must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + the Interion’s level) or they may only take partial actions and suffer 1d6 + the Interion’s level wound points of subdual damage. The scream may be maintained by expending an additional 4 control points every round. While screaming, an Interion may take no other actions and loses any dodge bonus to defense. Metallic objects affected by an Interion’s scream have their hardness reduced by the Interion’s character level after the second round of screaming. For example, a 5th level Interion scientist screaming at the metal bars of a cell (Hardness 10, wound points 15) would permanently reduce the hardness by 5 at the end of the second round of screaming. When an Interion is surprised in combat or fails a Will save (DC 20) to resist fear, he might scream involuntarily (GM’s discretion). Such a scream lasts for one round, deals maximum damage to vulnerable objects, instantly reduces hardness as if maintained for 2 rounds, and the saving throw to resist the stunning effect is doubled (DC 20 + Interion’s level).