
[Standard Humans]

Humans like their palman ancestors are native to rock planets and breathe oxygen. They are aggressive but not bloodthirsty, so their citizens are happiest in peaceful situations. They are diplomatic and excel at research, trade and efficient ship maintenance.Palman Virtual Intelligence


With so many different cultures all evolving at the same time, even a brief summary of Human history would take volumes. The Humans do have a pronounced history of killing each other that stretches back to the beginning of their race. As a result, they have become extremely proficient at the art. Over the years of human history, humans have evolved as a society. Starting as a tribal and sometimes nomadic race, these tribes grew into kingdoms and nations, and some of them empires. The Humans are now governed by a very liberal democracy. The large numbers of freedoms granted by this system result in feelings of happiness and well-being amongst the general population. However, this openness also leave the Humans vulnerable to infiltration.

On Earth Far away from Palma...

Two global conflicts, World War I and World War II, rocked the planet in the early to mid-20th century. This set the stage for the United Nations (the first failed attempt being called the League of Nations), which helped unify humans on Earth and attempt to bring mankind together. Even though the Cold War threatened world peace on the post-World War II Earth, the fall of Communism in many Eastern European and Soviet Union countries saw a new era ushered in on Earth. Europe grew from separate nation-states into a European Union over the later part of the 20th and first part of the 21st centuries.

Biological description

The Earthlings are one of the few species that is made up of several sub-categories that have followed different evolutionary and cultural paths. As a result, The Earthlings, or Humans as they call themselves have developed into one of the most diverse races in the galaxy. Physically, they aren't anything special. Bipedal with two arms and a head, they are a remarkably ordinary-looking race. A positive byproduct of this fact is that their appearance is inoffensive to most, which allows them to make treaties and trade with other races with relative ease.
Humans fit into the classification mammalian humanoid as bilaterally symmetrical bipedal primates (basically meaning they stand upright and walk on two feet). with the modernization of medical technology and the use of non forbidden spellcasting, a typical human's average lifespan was around 120 years, although, in some cases, this could be much higher. They require Class M environmental conditions, and breathe oxygen through two lungs, to survive. The range of temperatures the typical human body can withstand is a lot wider than many other species, including bearing colder temperatures better than Klingons and Cardassians and higher temperatures better than Andorians. The typical human's physical strength tends to be less than a Vulcan's or a Klingon's, but humans tend to be more resilient than the other two.
Like many species, humans have some redundancies in their anatomy. Humans could function with only one lung or one kidney for example. With the body's ability to store and use both water and fat, they could survive for days or weeks without water or food, respectively.
Unlike many species, humans have no facial or body bony ridges, but still demonstrate diversity with different skin tones and colors, eye colors, facial shapes, hair colors and so on, giving each one an individual appearance (the exceptions being multiple-baby births where the babies are identical).
Human blood is iron-based, and each human has one blood type based around three antigens being present or absent, with the most common blood types being A+ and O+, humans from other colonies have the potential to carry other Antigens due to mutation on their respective worlds. The species has two sexes: male and female. After fertilization, a female carries a baby or babies for approximately nine months before giving birth. With humans being very genetically compatible with some other races, cross-breeding is not uncommon. The human genome is considered to be of a especially pliable, or "labile" nature, meaning that it submits easily to alien influences, allowing hybridization to take place with relative ease compared to hybrids involving some other species. One theory about this is that unlike on some worlds, human DNA diverged little from that of the ancient Progenitors that seeded the galaxy with their humanoid progeny. That said, the requirement of medical help is not automatically ruled out, and in the case of human hybrids who seek to have children with other species (or even with one of the species from whom they themselves are descended), medical help to the degree required by some non-human species may still be required.


While lacking significant natural biological defenses compared to other species, Humans nonetheless bear a number of useful traits, with hands capable of balling into primitive clubs and a bite that carries all manner of infectious agents. Humans have also developed many styles of martial arts focused on landing hits with their fists or legs which are remarkably effective. With the rise of technology, they have also developed large arrays of deadly weapons and armors, even going to far as to devise weapons capable of driving their own race to an early extinction. Galactic opinion is still varied on whether or not surviving that stage of their development was a good thing. The sword is the most culturally iconic human weapon, and swords continue to be made today, from simple to elaborate metal blades, even to the more technologically-driven weaponry.


Earthlings are any humans who have not strayed much genetically after leaving earth or one of it's colony worlds.

Wound Die Type 1d10

Racial Control Modifiers -1

Medium Sized

Base speed 30 feet.

+2 to a Stat of your choice.

Non-Templated: +1 Party ability slot & +1 Party ability point

Templated: +1 Flexible Feat

+4 Skill points at level 1 and +1 skill points per level thereafter

To boldly Go

+2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This bonus increases by +1 per 5 levels but is capped at their Intelligence modifier.Humans are known for their courage, no matter what the circumstances.


Humans gain a +1 Etiquette party ability point and +1 Party ability slot for Etiquette.Humans are a gregarious bunch.

Humans gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks involving Iron and Steel items.

Humans have a long history of forging Steel arms and armor and are skilled in working it.They also receive this bonus to mining Iron to make Iron and steel items.
[This chart exists for Internal Balancing purposes]DM-RP: 12Fearless 1 RP Flexible bonus feat 4 RP Skilled 4 RP Craftsman - Iron and Steel: 1 RPGregarious 2 RP Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RP