
Wound Die Type: 1d12
Control Modifier: +0

Ability Score modifiers:

  • + 2 Charisma

  • + 2 Intelligence

  • - 4 Wisdom

Size: Medium Sized Creatures
Medical Class:
Group V-b (cold-blooded)

Natural Weapons:
See Package B on applicable build.

Starting Package:
Each gorn PC gets 1 Package A and One Package B, a pureblood will have matching packages, a gorn with mixed heritage may have a different pairing.

Additional Language: Gorn

Other Modifiers:

Toughness Feat at First Level.

Scale Color is associated with which Package A the player takes, hide color varies greatly and is player chosen.

DM-RP: 12

Ability Scores (package A) - 0 RP - Standard

Attributes: Improved Woundpoints +1 RP

Slow -1 RP

Toughness Feat +2 RP

Package B +10 RP

The Gorn are large saurians with a high degree of intelligence and personal bravery. They are physically as large as (or larger than) Kzintis, being taller than (and with perhaps twice the bulk of) Humans. Planets have been found with signs of extinct populations of transplanted Gorns. An unknown precursor, generally labeled “Lizard Kings”, is thought to have transplanted the Gorns to these worlds from some unknown birthplace. The Gorns are very interested (but not obsessive) about this. Many adventurers and scientists search planets for signs of the Lizard Kings or other extinct Gorn relatives in Gorn as well as in Federation and Romulan territory.

The three races of Gorns are known as the Gray Scales (who had reached the highest technological level and built the starships that reunited the races), the Brown Scales(who had reached PL 6 before being contacted), and the Green Scales (who were a PL 4 agrarian race). It took nearly a century before the original social stereotyping was eliminated by intensive programs to bring the Green Scales and Brown Scales up to the level of the Gray Scales. Originally, the three Gorn races each had developed its own language; they quickly adopted “Standard Gorn” (now known simply as “Gorn”) as the language of trade and education and now all Gorns use that language.

During the first decades, Brown Scale businessmen took passage on Gray Scale ships to the Green Scale homeworld, where they set up industries using cheap Green Scale labor. Prior to Y120, you could still find resentment and prejudice in some areas and individuals. Since the differing Gorn species are all 95% genetically identical, cross-breeding is possible, and the gorn have a special mechanic for their race for this. Being reptilian, Gorn are Viviparous(not a egg-laying species). While tending her children for the first year, the female suffers what is known as "Brood Fever" that lasts until they have matured sufficiently, while this is usually a year sometimes the duration is extended due to the interbreeding of the three races. During this time, the female's maternal and protective instincts overrule conscious thought and she is prone to attack anyone that approaches her nest with the exception of her mate or a blood relative. The male Gorn in a mated pair, or a family member, is the only one able to care for the female during these times. As such, it is not uncommon for both parents to be granted a leave of absence from their given occupations when the female is expecting to nest until such a time as the children hatch and the fever subsides.

All three species of Gorn are resilient to damage. They are not indestructible by any means, but a phaser on low stun would hardly be felt. To actually stun a Gorn with Federation issue phasers would require multiple shots on high Stun, as the first shot would only serve to make the Gorn mad. A phaser set to kill has no guarantee of actually being fatal. Only a phaser at its highest setting is guaranteed to kill a Gorn with one hit, as he would be vaporized. Non-critical damage to a Gorn regenerates quickly. A severed arm or leg would regrow within a months time. Broken bones heal naturally within a week. Internal injuries heal quickly depending upon the severity. Burns, on the other hand, are far more serious for a Gorn. Burnt flesh takes far longer to heal than it does for other races and infection is almost guaranteed to set in, which could cause even minor burns to be fatal if not promptly treated.

On average, adult Gorn shed their skin every six months. Both shortly before and after shedding, the Gorn's skin is very sensitive and itchy, leading to them being very irritable. As such, Gorn generally prefer to go through shedding alone.

Typical Gorn lifespan is 275 standard years.

Mentally, Gorn are a highly pragmatic species. Though sometimes viewed as being dull witted due to their reptilian physiology, they are anything but. Gorn are decisive, calculating, and curious. They are slow to make friends, due to their long lifespans, but gaining the loyalty of a Gorn means that the Gorn in question would follow and guard his or her friend until death unless given suitable reason to do otherwise.


The Gorn are a cold-blooded reptilian race native to the Ghdar system. In reality, the Gorn are actually three separate sub-species with many genetic similarities and each hailing from one of the three habitable planets in the inner zone of the Ghdar system. It should be noted, though, that the three species each have distinctive traits due to evolutionary differences from the differing climates of their home worlds.

Grey Scales of Ghdar I

Green Scales of Ghdar II

Package A

  • Reptilian Intellect: +2 Int,

  • Wise: +2 Wis

  • Clumsy: -2 to Dexterity

Package B

  • Tail Weapon

  • Natural Armor Damage Reduction 2/-

  • Defense Bonus +2

Package A

  • Wanderlust: +2 Dex

  • Outgoing: +2 Cha

  • Uplifted: Wisdom -2

Package B

  • Bite Attack

  • Natural Armor Damage Reduction 1/-

  • Defense Bonus +3

Brown Scales of Ghdar II

Package A

  • Strong Build: +2 Str

  • Resilient Form: +2 Con

  • Slow: -2 to Intelligence

Package B

  • Claw Attack

  • Natural Armor Damage Reduction 3/-

  • Defense Bonus +1


Ozannot: Ghdar I: Class-M, Gravity 1.09G, Atmospheric pressure 1.11, mean temperature 85°F, Zorski Group V-b

Being a class N planet, Ghdar I is covered with 98% water in the form of low lying marshes, bogs, and swamps. The Gorn native to this world tend to be taller and leaner than their other cousins, with smooth Grey scales. Unlike their kin, these Gorn still possess a fully developed tail that is usable as both a natural weapon and a means to propel them through the shallow bogs much in the same way an alligator swims. Most of the Gorn of this species are less inclined to all out conflict and generally assume the roles of Scientists, Engineers, and Medical.

Seudath: Ghdar II: Class-M, Gravity 1.07G, Atmospheric pressure 1.08, mean temperature 82°F, Zorski Group V-b

Ghdar II is a class M temperate planet much like Earth, with definitive hot and cold seasons, but with a much higher gravity. They have green scales, no tails, and a strong powerful build. The Gorn from this world are the most often encountered, as their outgoing attitude and wander lust makes them the perfect choice to fill the ranks of naval personnel. Equally as intelligent as their Ghdar I brethren, these Gorn value tactics and strategy, which makes them best suited for command roles within the navy.

Karazek: Ghdar III: Class-M, Gravity 1.06G, Atmospheric pressure 1.10, mean temperature 87°F, Zorski Group V-b

The class M desert world of Ghdar III is home to the least intelligent of the Gorn species, typically filling the role of Marines and general laborers. They are the shortest of the Gorn species, being only slightly taller than the average human. Their scales are a deep ruddy brown or tan, covered in spines and armor that both protects them and regulates the intense heat of their environment. They are also the strongest of the Gorn physically, but commands given to them must be kept simple and direct as their low intelligence can lead to mishaps. Nevertheless, their loyalty to their commanders is absolute.

Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, with less bulk and a more streamlined physique. During the "Brood Fever" (see below) the females are also far more aggressive and dangerous than their male counterparts.

Capital World: S'sgaron (Gornar)

Gornar is a nominal world located in the Gorn Hegemony. It is the capital planet of the Gorn race, although it is known to not be their home system.

As a planet Gornar is a dry, desert like world. It is therefore very similar to Vulcan in that respect, it is not known why they would colonize a desert world to serve as their administrative centre of power, but it is possible that their original homeworlds were in a tactically vulnerable position in a past conflict.